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RE: Politics is Immoral

in #voluntaryism6 years ago (edited)

The connotation of "politics" is that it's about running for and holding office and voting for those that do. But it's broader than that - it's Greek: πολιτικός - politikos, meaning "pertaining to a citizen", citizen being πολίτης - polites, pron. poLEEteese, a member of a πόλις - polis, a city, ultimately derived from πολύ - poly, the combining form of πολύς = many. Where the Many are, politics is the science of them getting along. If you live in a hut in the wilderness, you have no need for it.

These discussions are in fact politics. As we see now more and more, the ruling class, the Few, are liars and thieves, but we are the Many, and if we could only make sense and grasp it, and coordinate, we could overpower them. That's politics in its truest sense.