This is a good written well build up post, but i think it's different. I honestly don't think the schools have anything to do with what is going on. Or else there would be shooting all over the world, on schools with much worst environments, and with children who latterly just got out of war.
I just think what is going on there is the same as terrorism worldwide. They are useless attacks to scare the free Western people in a environment where anyone could walk, sit or chil around. And the feeling that anyone could die by a local idiot could frighten anyone, and that is the whole point. Someone or a group or who ever wants to scare the public, and they will kill people to deliver the message. And no im not a conspiracy wacko, because it's well proven that every war in the last 100 years started with a false flag. Even world war 2, it's just a strategy or a tactic to kill as many civilians as possible to frighten the masses, and it worked because many are talking about gun control, or want to disarm citizens.
And in some way i understand that citizens don't need weapons, but then again the law system should work for the citizens and not against them.
So the message with those attacks are, disarm the heavy guns. Like the message with terrorism is, they are the enemy and we need to go to war!
So we need funding for blablablablabalablab
They are doing business on a level what the regular person like you and me can't even imagine doing that, they will kill innocents to start wars, were they can earn profit from selling weapons, that's the real reason of those wars, it has nothing to do with killing a enemy.
Like the shootings on those school have nothing to do with the school system, weapons or medicines. They can easily be organized, manipulated and setup to kill as many citizens as possible, with the only goal to disarm the citizens, nothing more and nothing less. Traumatized people create a alter ego, to hide there traumas, and that alter ego could be manipulated with drugs and alcohol, to confuse the mind of that person, to make them do things what a normal person could not do. That's how those suicide guys get trained, and it could work with everyone, and that's a CIA strategy to manipulate traumatize people for different reasons.
Like those kids from the shooting could easily been manipulated in a way, to do these shootings, but the real people behind all this are hidden, and they need to be expose or sooner or later another innocent person will die. That's the drama of all this, the strategy of a false flag can only work when people are dying! There for it need to stop, and it should have stopped with the wars, and now they are also using it on schools. I think change can only come when the power of the weapon, energy, health, education, entertainment industry get stripped away from corporations and given to a government, what is created by the people and for the people. That mean we are a long way from Texas.....