Why are we paying $18,000 for repetitive low-effort content?

We hate to bring up names, but as investors in the ecosystem seeing great potential on this platform.... influential voters, please start working to put your votes out with better care. It is your right to use your votes any way you like it but please be more particular about repeating votes. We would also like to echo a comment made by our favourite user @berniesanders on an issue awhile ago that happened to another heavily rewarded account.

We would like to apologise for singling out an account but this is the most obvious case for a non-developer on this platform.

First account: $16,089 for the past 30 days, average of $522 per post

Second account: $1,925 for the past 30 days, average of $356 per post

Four spots on trending today. Is the network only made up of a few people?

One way street.

Their work is mostly copy-paste screenshot materials without even any attempts proofread nor edit out typos. Not only that, posting mediocre items on two accounts multiple times a day knowing there are massive voting trails coming their way is just not a good sign for us. We don't think the $18k per month paycheck is justifiable for this level of production, and any responsible community members on the receiving end of such network bias should practice some self-restraint and leave room for others. Surely it is not much of a problem if their work clearly consumes plenty of time and effort for the pay they're getting. But that is just not the case here.

But..... we would not like to fault and discourage any content creators in putting out anything they want to. It is up to the voters to give out their votes responsibly by setting some standards, particularly for those getting disproportionately rewarded frequently to top trending. It only makes sense to do so. We rest our case and hope the situation improves.....


Lol, the biggest reward sucking hypocrite of them all is the number 1 vote on this post.

That's Steemit!

We would'v pointed that out too, but remember that has been dealt wit


saw there were complaints a while ago that received attention

Indeed quite funny

I agree, people who are trending other than @trafalgar are just thieves and scammers =)

Funny as always! Big fan of your funnies. however we're not accusing anyone of being thieves and scammers! Nothing wrong with votes, it can just go out of control....

It can get out of controll, I'll be the first to acknowledge that. We'll see what happens with the hard fork.

Its alwredy out of control :)

haha ha ha ha ha ha
Sorry, my laugh kept expanding like the Bitcoin price.
I got Bitspired.

Thanks for the giggle.

😂 hilarious!

I disagre about kingscrown/mind. His stuff is usually pretty good. Not all posts have to be super dense with information either. Some posts can be simply pointing out what others have yet to notice or forwarding the latest news.

yes matter of perception

I'm waiting to see what the impact of the linearization of the reward curve will be. The downvote is the the only tool available to prevent over-rewarding at present, but if you use it on certain users you are inclined to end up in a tit for tat war of retaliation, and the down-voter is always presented/seen as an aggressor (even though they are just exercising their judgment on payouts, the right granted by the ownership of Steem Power).

Agree looking forward to when this happens, should hopefully level things out a tiny bit or these users will just make even more, but will be interesting to see

There are definitely a lot of shortsighted voters. Whales in particular should recognize that rewarding low quality or spammy posts has the potential to drown the network in junk. This is our network, and for the sake of both our financial investments in it and our interests as users, we need to keep it maintained and high quality.

Everyone here is still an early adopter, and the fate of this experiment is in our hands. If it really takes off it will benefit all of us far more than what we could earn driving it into the ground with shortsighted behavior.

This is fucking life, sometimes this shit happens, I actually don't want Steemit to change it's payout system any further than this because it's nice and stable. If you really feel that strongly about it I think voting guilds are a viable way of balancing this out, support guilds like Curie and your upvotes will go to good content creators.

I know this isn't what you're saying but I really don't like any idea of a suggestion that might entail moderation of how payouts are managed or what content gets the most attention.

life it is! We are not posting ourselves..; just investors of the platform. Writing this to keep things in check for the high earners (and voters)

These are the things that really hurt those of us on here that actually TRY to put out god content out there day in and day out. Those of us who take the time to go over their information and read it to check it and verify it. Those who have actual intentions of trying to get important matters out there and inform the community. Yet those of us who DO that are mostly overlooked and over shadowed by things of this nature. The community has to take the time and really LOOK at these posts and make better judgement calls because I'd like to think that some steemians just TRUST that it's a good and well-structured post and just upvote it blindly without going through the whole content. As a friend of mine would say, "Do better" and that goes for ALL of us including myself. Have a good day everyone, happy steeming!

I spent a couple hours doing a post on strawberries yesterday that I thought would be helpful for people interested in growing them. It earned $.02 lol. I'm here more to help people in gardening and learn myself but 2 cents? really? I'm new here so I'm still learning how things work. Does anyone have clue me in on getting more for my posts?


Sometimes it's just matter of luck (or lack of luck). You have a chance to get some upvotes only when you get noticed by others.
First of all, you are new, so you don't have many followers yet.
Another thing is that your post is brand new, posted less than 20h ago it has a few more days to get some attention and upvotes.
Potential payout value for post is not how much that post is worth, so don't worry about that. Sometimes there are good posts with less than $0.10 payout, sometimes post with over $100 are crap.

So how would you know the potential payout value if not by how much the post is worth? I'm confused?? Thanks

Because I wasn't talking about money but worth of post objectively :-)

keep on trucking. I do gardening stuff too..

I will but just trying to get an understanding of the steemit system. I guess people upvoting me have no steem power. Following you for some garden posts.

Imo, what needs to occur is the complete stripping away of Steem Power from the whales and force-delegating their power to many, many others, based on rep.

So then, your rep level would be the determinant factor for how much of the whales Steem Power you get to apply to posts you upvote.

The whales would still earn all the money for their delegated power, of course. It's theirs and so that's only fair.

But the result will be that many more people will make a good income on this platform, instead of only a small percentage.

It also means "Steemit" and "Steem" tagged posts won't necessarily be the dominant earners - and isn't it about time we kicked the geeks to the curb anyway? (jk) :)

Giving the whales delegation control obviously isn't going to work. They still like keeping it and voting for the same people over and over again, manually or by bots.

At some point this has to happen, because the people coming in have a certain expectation of growth in their earnings, but the whales aren't doing anything to help make some of that expectation a reality for enough people.

Steemit will never be anything more than a social networking "club" of "good ole' boys" if the whales are allowed to continue wielding all of their power.

And let's face this fact as well: half the time these good ole' boy whales are voting with their penises and not their brains.

It's time to kill the whales.

Точнее не скажешь..)...Даешь Революцию!!!..)))

Возможно когда-нибудь. Может быть, скоро.
I hope that translated correctly. :)

Good post. We need a correction.

Agreed. There are too many post here in Steemit that are just a copy-paste of webpages, or just two phrases and an screenshot about news or value change in cryptocoins.

It's a bit irritating to work on original content only to see filler get massive payouts. Maybe the "whale experiment" did actually help on that front when it was active

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Well said. Please stop this mindless automated voting!

Bravo @speakthrtruth. I feel that some whales have gamed the Steemit system.

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If only for once they could just shower those Bots votes to a newbie, it will be a like a lottery!

Well, this sure is a real eye opener. Thanks for sharing!

I've only been here about 2 weeks and have my followers over 300. In my short time here, I've noticed that many times crappy content gets a lot of votes and views. But good content will usually get noticed by the right people. Consistency is key.

Oooh, I can't wait to kill off this account!!! Thank you for bringing it to my attention!!!

Not an issue..... but it is not about killing off anyone's account since there's nothing really wrong with the mentioned account. Just voicing our concern / disagreement over the consistently huge payout. Some things considered incl. perception of effort, nature of post, engagement, et cetera. Happy for anybody to be able to earn good money here, but we think it makes good sense checking up on top authors of d month and ask why they're getting so much. Thank you for your attention

I have been putting my videos of paragliding for a couple weeks now, and I am grateful for a couple whales that payed me a like or a resteem. I work hard at editing the videos because I love good content. That would not be cool if some troll started taking my stuff and slinging it out the back door.https://steemit.com/paragliding/@captainobviou3/landed-my-paraglider-at-an-airport-after-work

Great post btw I believe in the steem @speakthetruth!

I found this article and so happy I did! Some "curators" upset me because it's just some vlog on YouTube, pumping away company x.

Or worse what happens when degenerates learn to use the trail and bankroll off stock photos of NSFW content? Good bye Steemit :( would go for broke.

Okay. Here's something i would chime in about. I don't have an opinion other than i see it happening. I don't mind. It's just that they know how to take advantage of how the system is. It's hard to read everything on here and i don't even read half of it because there's so much to see and new things posted every minute. You have to ask yourself. Once it's on steemit, it's here to stay and forever. So if you want to put your time into something silly or if it is about what you think about right this second then remember the big picture. People a thousand years from now are going to be reading this. If you think getting every last dollar you can will make a legacy for you, then so be it but if you want to make a name for yourself and share worthwhile stuff and be creative, then that's what will put you in the spotlight. If your here first and have a name for yourself and be honest and truthful, that's what people want to see. You will be known for your actions. Remember you are here on the stage first and how you want this show to run for future generations is based on what you do today. So don't spoil it, whether by greed or whatever. I think we look at this thing as a here and now thing. We don't take into consideration that this will be around past our lifetimes. Look at the big picture. Use this like a diary. Use this like we used to put everything into book form. A lot of books aren't available to read. Not everyone can read a book but anyone and everyone can get on the internet and is able to read this. Keep that in mind. Oh and i don't mind other's opinions and to discuss it. To just push a down arrow because you don't like it doesn't solve you telling me how you feel, so feel free to explain yourself under the comment section. I think you can be genuine and don't have to be wishy-washy but you can tell me how you see it your way. We're entitled to our opinions, so tell them what you think about it. This may have gone in a different direction than intended but you have to look at the big picture.

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As quick as I brought a fellow trader on board here I lost him when he saw someone posting every day cut and paste steemit charts with basic analysis and earning big bucks doing so. When I explained that the votes weren't from readers of the post but automatic voting bots he bailed on participating.

As a newbie, I only vote posts I really like and those with substance and good content. Glad I'm doing it right, I really want to see diverse trending stuff on my Steemit feed, not a monopoly of related posts. Thank you for this.

Very good post :) I like it

Addressing specifically to the nitty-gritty of this post, I just wonder¿?¿
¿What the hell would happen If for the next Hard Fork we just kicked all Bots asses outta steemit way way far away forever and at the same time if no one, ¡hey! absolutely nobody!! could vote without first having read a post entirely from top to bottom?

¿Could that contribute a little bit to make things better? ¿Huh?
¿Yes? Ummm, better we start right away yanking the ears to the steemit development team about this issue asap!!

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I honestly don't go to trending I go to my feeds by followers then new or opposite. Because trending is usually over rated anywhere you go. And I have to see what my followers are up to. Loyalty. It's so not trending these days?

you speak the truth just like your username implies. we should vote responsibly , if this trend continues then the system might be corrupted. i am @darkerhorse and i stand with @speakthetruth