November 9th, 2022
US elections, Victorian elections . . .
So it's November now and the United States are in the midst of their Midterm elections whilst on the homefront Victorians are prepping for our upcoming state elections.
I think the US elections have been controlled to some extent for many years. Other countries too. After all it was Stalin who famously said he didn't care who they voted for, but who counted the votes, a comment reminiscent of the Rothschilds quote about not caring who makes the laws, because they control the money supply.
I don't vote anymore for a number of reasons even though once upon a time I volunteered for a political party in Australia.
It doesn't take much research to realise the USA 2020 presidential elections were rigged, no matter which candidate you supported. I suspect they have been messed with at least two decades leading up to 2020 as well but I think the 2020 one was rigged so obviously and overtly in order to deliberately demoralise the American people and by extension the rest of the world. And given it was never fixed, there was no consequences or apology, how could you possibly trust the results of any elections moving forward?
Aside from the massive issues of fraud and corruption rife in Western "democracies" who all just so happen to be led by WEF puppets (and worse.) There is also no real way to really know your vote (and others) was counted correctly. And quite frankly, no candidate I have seen is a better person than me or you, in fact many politicians are some of the least evolved souls on this planet, none of them has any right to rule others for me or over me. None of them can possibly represent me in all my opinions, nor do I need someone to. Their claim to authority simply because they say so is false.
There is also the issue of my conscience when it comes to voting. What is voting at its core essence but mob rule? Rule of the majority over other minorities, and yet we think having the consent of the majority somehow makes it right? Unless someone is harming others (violating other's rights in some way), you have no right to force them to do anything or to live a certain way, and yet this two party mentality reinforces this kind of "choose the lesser evil" thinking, this "rule or be ruled" kind of fear-based system that really only benefits the elites ruling families of this planet. Morality is not something that should be determined by a majority (or handful) of votes, right and wrong simply are and so it would seem relative moralism is a necessary component in such a system which explains why it is so promoted in media and entertainment. If you are not sure something is right or wrong consider two things:
-Would you like said action to be done to you?
-Does it take something from another person in some way (violate their rights)?
All it takes is more people to turn their attention inward towards their hearts, instead of obeying external false authorities. Everyone knows in their heart the difference between right and wrong. It's why a lot of the vegan message revolves around connecting to your heart.
A pure message that has also been corrupted by the Animal Justice Party using such a slogan after they supported and enabled government mandates of an experimental injection that literally stopped many hearts, both human and animal. 💔
A political party that used to be against animal experimentation is silent as cows die in India and NSW from mRNA injection experimentation, let alone the monkeys it was cruelly tested on, or the others harmed for its ingredients.
A political party with a "leader" who enabled Daniel Andrews to inflict immense suffering upon the people of his state instead of standing up to a petty illogical dictator. Though now I question how much is the responsibility Daniel Andrews' and how much was because of people following orders. Either way, the AJP disgusts me.
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Truth about all vaccines 👇
Maybe I don't know exactly how to get the majority of people from where we are now to such a place where people respect one another's individual rights. But I will not keep supporting their system, especially as it is, and so by not voting I feel I am at least choosing to say, or dare I say voting no to that.
These are just my thoughts on the issue. I prefer the kind of voting that Teal Swan talks about personally, where you vote for the kind of world you want with your actions and choices, even little ones. Because that is the only kind of vote that really counts. 🙂