Simple reasons voting for comments is beneficial:
- If we relocate more of the reward pool to comments people are likely to engage more.
- Engagement/Relationships = equal product loyalty and commitment
- It is a good start toward building communities.
- Not everyone is a content creator, but they can add to the community via discussion
- Save voting for posts for the best content, improving quality and possibly increasing traffic and decreasing frustration with spam
- When you make a meaningful comment it is POR. - I just made this term up. Proof of Reading
I am watching my feed and voting for comments on your post, as well as my own! Day 2
*In no way am I advocating for voting on spammy comments.
**Self-voting comments should be fine, I think about it in terms of adding value to the platform vs. comment, post, what have you. Don't let others define how you should use your stake.
Feel free to use and edit the graphic if you want to promote voting for comments.
I have mainly focused most of my attention towards adding quality comments.. And it is better than spamming one liners and posting 50 article or day.
Thanks for making this article.. I've previously tried making some related articles only to see them sinks under the spam. Seems as my power isn't sufficient ^^
Cheers and all the best from me
Goldie 🍻
Good post with a very valid point. It's unfortunate that many aren't voting on any posts or comments other tgan their own. Some only comment in hopes of getting a vote. Not to add or engagement in any substantive manner.
I'm not sure the self upvoting is so bad, if you are engaging with others I think that is likely more important than posting.
i rarely upvote the comment on my own post, but i tend to get back to the author and see if i can upvote his post on his blog. unless they have no recent blog or i dont have any way to respond, then i am more then willingcto give my upvote.
Selfvoting is not really my way. 😃
That is nice, self-voting isn't bad, not engaging on the site is bad. I would rather someone vote their own content and logging in.
yes at some point I agree. I am doing my best to give my contribution toward to development
i feel guilty upvoting my own comments sometimes, unless i comment quickly on a post I know will have a high payout, i usually will wait until about 5 days have passed and then if no one else upvoted it then I will pay myself. Im stuck between wanting to grow my SP and not wanting to look selfish.
that is a nice idea i think from you. waiting for a long time to see wheter we need our upvote on our post or not. if it dne well so we better keep it to the other. 😃
I make a point of upvoting every comment (or post) I reply to, as well as every reply to my own comments. (unless they are spam)
And I also include a picture and upvote all my own comments at 10% to bring them up the feed. I've done that for my past 1600 comments...
I know someone who is getting an early Kwanza present!!!
OMG, where did you get that amazing cookie cutter?! I need this in my life!
I also believe this approach is very positive for all of us who are investing in steem. For steem to truly take off, it will need to grow its user-base. If we're truly ambitious and hope to see steem one day become "the next Facebook" (or something of the sort), it will have to provide a platform where people want to engage more than on competing platforms. And incentivising good and fruitful conversations that are rewarding for the people engaging is the best way to achieve this as far as I can see.
So I think people who are investing in steem would earn more in the long term by allocating VP to maximize the user experience of the platform, rather than maximizing the short term return from curation rewards.
The engagement part is absolutely necessary for Steemit to really take off... It's what separates a mere blog to a full-blown social network.
Agreed, we have to grow and improve our user-base. The more we vote on comments the higher the quality of both post and comments we will get.
I think investors doing any amount of due diligence would see the lack of engagement we currently have. That is fine for now, but it is time to start improving it.
I completely agree. I have the most fun on Steemit when there's a good natured back and forth in the comments. The best articles are the ones that set the stage for a lively comment section.
I always upvote those comments which I usually find connected with my posts. I don't just upvote each and every comment. Especaially those of ' Please follow me and your post is good'' type comments. My posts are not a contract hub where people come and make a deal with me. People are losing self-respect just to make few cents on steemit. I don't get their mindset for the same, if even some people would follow them back then what good it would endure anyway. Those people would never upvote thier posts. Everybody for himself-- It is the philosophy, people are really taking seriously on steemit.
As far as I am concerend, I always upvotes irrespective of my voting power, the comments which is related to my posts and Which I found highly influential. This is the way Steemit should work.
Your line... People are losing self-respect just to make a few cents, is a powerful line. I may quote you, that is a great line. We have to start to bond as a community and focus on both growing the platform as well as looking for ways to increase the value of Steem.
Thank you @whatsup. I appreciate you thoughts and may be one day you and I would change the mentality of our fellow steemains and make steemit a better place.
I totally Agree with you, that voting on comments should be the way to go. But on the other hand I have a bad ffeling about the comments lately. A lot of people only come to comment and tell you to follow please. That makes me feel enoyed and undervalued, as these people do not even take the time to read my post. I wrote a post about it this morning because I find it really, really, really annoying.
I see it happen a lot as well. Especially with the newest crowd of members. I choose to ignore it and not reward them. If I see them getting unfairly rewarded I flag spam xD
Yes, I agree those comments can get annoying, I mean real comments like the one you made which shows me you read and comprehended my post. POR - Proof of Reading. ;)
Wow . I've never seen a whale support self voting . So far the loudest have spoken which they always do . Yet is this the beginning of the silent majority coming through ?
Those who yell the loudest ... My view, you earned it or bought it use it how you want. I also think if it is real engagement, why not vote it up. Are we going to say the voting bots are "better players" then someone who is actually making a comment on the site? I disagree.
I can't speak for all the whales, most have remained silent, but I don't see those focusing on the self-voting getting a lot of whale support. Maybe they are speaking with their votes.
I can see that it would be problem if everyone only voted for themselves, but that isn't the case.
Curation rewards need love too! I agree with your POR statement, engaging comments are the best kind. The problem with incentive-based voting platforms is the number of 2 word 'good post' comments. Educating new Steemers (if that's a term) is important and seemingly worth it's weight in [whale] shares.
I agree with self-voting, nothing wrong with self-promotion.
Interesting topic and quite an honest opinion with hopefully a true intention to help the community interaction and growth!
Upvoted,resteemed and followed :)
Hey, thank you for the resteem. I appreciate it very much.
That's reasonable. Even though I try to vote on good posts than comments (Except my own posts, where I have to upvote good comments). And I don't really have that much VP anyway so... heh :d
haha nice quote xD.
This is great advise!!! I literally made over 5 steem last week just on good commenting - some of the posts I was engaging got heated but it is great to see so many people taking the time to comment and reply - its not only fun and educational, but it is a great way to make money on Steem. Great post!!! SUNSHINE247
Congrats on your earnings! Keep it up sunshine :)
I am happy to hear you are finding good posts with engagement and people communicating on the site. I love the attitude and it is nice to meet you.
Great post and your getting lots of interaction - thats a good thing :) Together we will all be successful on Steemit!!! Love you my Steemit Friend.. SUNSHINE247
I have the feeling we are on the same page here. Lets hope others will see this and get the point of Steemit, what it is about.
Thumbs up Friend!!!! Have a GREAT weekend!!! SUNSHINE247
I think since HF19, for the vast majority of users not having the vote slider discourages them from 'using up' their votes on comments.
I think having a vote slider, even with only four values (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) would encourage comment voting. It would for me anyway.
It is a good point, yet if you had a slider many of your votes might end up being "dust" meaning they are too small to register on the blockchain.
When looking at the actual reward shares values in the blockchain, they're all huge, so I'm pretty sure even a 25% weighted vote from somebody with 20% voting power and only a few SP would register on the blockchain. I think the only way 'dust' could be an issue is if the slider allowed a weight of less than 1%, which is why I'm suggesting 25% be the minimum.
It's ironic that this post is about meaningful engagement via comments and thereI is no comment here. This is a very valid point. I am new here and I cannot say I fully understand how it works yet. I am for sure am getting annoyed at bot-like commenting, where the commentor obviously did not read the content. I am not successful in my authored contents yet, but there are those who appreciate how I value their thoughts and works with comments that I feel add valuable conversations about the subject.
The best way to get noticed is to start to comment and interact with others. By now I have a good idea of who else is reading and commenting. I see them all around the site.
Also, I often end of following and voting for those I find engaging. Thank you for reading and I hope to bump into you around SteemIt.
I always tell people to comment when they ask how to gain followers! Not only is it an effective way to make friends, these are exactly the type of people you want to hang around because it's always engaging and rewarding!
Comments are always appreciated ;)
I agree, which is one of the reasons I usually will not flag comments, unless they look like a bot making comments
I've always encouraged engagement and discussion in my comments.
Post interaction is an important and crucial part of the platform. I understand that it can sometimes be seen as a burden by content creators who put a lot of time and effort into their posts.
Personally, I always make sure to respond, as well as reward all constructive comments.
I think that the number of comments helps push your post up on the hot and trending page, but I'm not 100% sure. Can anyone verify?
Hi akrid, Yes, I have noticed you are around and engaging also. I want to say thank you for doing that. I think that is more important than a lot of the current debates.
I am not sure about the hot and trending pages and whether or not comments help. Maybe someone else will engage here.
Always :-)
Thanks for consistently being supportive and encouraging to the entire community.
A bit torn on this one. Upvoting an 80 word comment has the same power as upvoting an 800 or even a 3000 word blog post. Kinda seems unfair to original content creators if the upvotes on comments on their work end up having more value than the original content itself.
Understood and I can see the concern, but my argument is words do not equal interesting or engagement, if I want to read a thesis on a topic, I would probably google the topic first vs. navigate to a specific account
But, I have to read to comment
I wouldn't want to persuade anyone what to upvote, that is each Steemit individual choice.
You picked a very quiet time to post and you're still getting a lot of comments lol.
It helps when you let people know you are going to upvote them in the comments... lol.
Always upvote on good comments and especially if it's an important post. Maybe you upvote my comment if you like it? What's it like to be surrounded by a lot of hot chicks? Hugs from California and Steem On!
Another great post about things that should be improved or done by this fine community. I was under the impression that upvoting comments took away from the power to upvote posts... Am I wrong?
You get a limited amount of vote power each day, so yes, if you vote on comments it will limit your ability to vote on other things.
You choose very important content. Most of the people comment only to increase thier followers. Thats not the way to make this beautiful platform worthing. I totally agree with you. Liked you post
Definitely. I haven't started blogging myself yet but I can see how annoying it must be to people who are genuinely putting in the work just to be greeted with a few copy-pasted comments. I think it would be great to redistribute the rewards a little. I feel it would encourage people to think before they post or comment and really improve the quality of writing within the community.
9 out of 10 comments I get i always vote commentes I never vote on..
I feels good to give away a few cents.
And often I get them back when its the other way around.
very good advice! and the spammy comments are a plague I wont vote for them either. They dont even read your post.
Excellent summarization!
I know I vote on a lot of comments.
Seems since HF19 votes on comments have gone down.
You have marked up good points of voting & commenting. This allows beginners to understand what they have to do as well as to understand what & when should be done to the ones who already in the network for some time.
comments is really where the community happens
i try to meet new people on steemit platform which create great Continent and have some encouragement for others.
Upvoted and RESTEEMED!
click here!This post received a 3.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @whatsup! For more information,
That so good that someone is encouraging users to have some engagement in post's otherwise lots of post are just about up votes and stuff like that.
A very good encouragement! I appreciate this!
I try to comment on many in my stream. But for this I should like the post :)
I am an upvoting machine 🤑❤️
Hey man,a warm reminder here!
You do not need to transfer 2SBD to randowhale as it was now offering promotion, you just need to send 1SBD only!
Upvote me or send me some little tips if you like my remind! Refer here :
I belive , writing good content , is very important to engage followers .. :) @ronaldmcateer