Like they say, “The more the Merry” over at Twitter the Bitmama Exchange is holding a little vote to get another coin listed on their exchange.

I believe they are based out of Nigeria from what I have gathered. I also see on their their site that you can convert from Fiat into Crypto. I like seeing that because I know I am not the only one that has been effected by a bank blocking your transactions with coinbase. Granted I most likely won’t be able to use this exchange but I still like seeing it is available.

I caught wind of this from a post I saw and decided to head over to Twitter and see what it was all about. I totally forgot that I had started a twitter account a long time ago. I have never tweeted anything with it or even used it until now. If I didn’t have a Twitter account, I was going to start one just so I could vote. So if you’re like me, go resurrect your Twitter account and let’s get Steem listed on another Exchange. The more exchanges we can get Steem listed on, the visibility we will gain.
So far it looks like we are putting the boots to TRON and EOS Muahahaha So let’s keep it going...what do you say

Until Next time...
Steem on!!

Steem on!!
jlsplatts, I loved this this post of yours! THANK YOU for the images,as well.: