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RE: This post will give upvoters 2x returns

in #voterlast year

Haha yeah it's kind of a failed project, the dev that maintains it isn't much around either, just daydreaming in this post of what could've been had it been used the way it was meant to and how it could've transformed promotional posts or authors trying to "lure" curators into voting their posts if they gave them extra rewards and if the content was worth it, if voters just blindly voted it and if downvoters decided to adjust the rewards if it went too far. Definitely would've given some more complexity to the whole curation system but maybe for the better.


Yeah. Your explanation in the post combined with this comment really showed the potential it had. I guess it attracting the wrong crowd [extractors] eventually spelled its demise. It would be interesting to think what would happen if the rewarding voters more, and the liquid rewards were separated. Just keeping the "more rewards to voters" would do its original purpose, and the liquid rewards will remain with the extractors.