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RE: This post will give upvoters 2x returns

in #voterlast year (edited)

There's an old marketing truism that if you offer people "free beer and barbecue" they will come to you in search of free beer and barbecue.

The point being that it's very difficult to get people to use anything the way you intended if that isn't in 100% alignment with what they had in mind.

For as long as I've been here I have never really felt that Hive's problem has anything to do with the rewards pool or the power down period or paying out posts after 7 days or liquidity or anything related. Instead, I believe it has a lot to do with what we tell people they can expect to find when they come to Hive.

Similarly, if you tell curators that they can get their curation rewards in cash rather than stake, they hear the word "cash," so they take their cash and they go buy pizza.

If the original paradigm around here had been something along the lines of "creating content on Hive is an investment in your future!" with an emphasis on building stake over the long term things might be different. It's still money and people would probably still want to buy pizza, but when you're dealing with the size of the amounts we have around here even a 5% swing in one direction or another can be significant in terms of long term outcome.

I say this both in terms of broad perspective, but also to put a bug in your ear concerning your ongoing endeavors to bring Holozing to the world. Keep in mind that emphasizing "a unique and amazing game experience" is likely to bring a different outcome than emphasizing primarily "earn rewards."

Sorry about the blog on your blog!


You had me at Free Beer.