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RE: Dear @freedom And Whales: Here's a SP Delegatee Menu To Solve The Vote Selling Problem

in #voteselling7 years ago

I am supremely honored to be entrusted as part of the beta test of this project! I cannot say thank you enough to Stella and Geek for their generosity. Stella is someone I hope to continue to engage with and build with for a long time to come. I've had no direct interactions with Full-time geek, but I hope to have the opportunity to say thank you to him in person at the next Steemfest or something!

I could probably make an epic response here about all the good curating I hope to do with my loaned SP, but I spent too much time reading all the wonderful comments, and should have been asleep two hours ago, so I'll just give me pitch and go.

As a potential add to the list of HQ Curators, I would highly recommend @carlgnash. Carl is a highly valued member of the Curie team, as well as the creator of Humanbot, and cocreator of R-bot, both of whom endeavor to curate content verifying originality and promoting solid posting habbits.

Finally, @stellabelle, thank you for all that you do for this community. There are people who are the linchpin, holding everything together. I believe you are one such person. This community is better off for having you in it. And anyone looking to delegate larger chunks (say in the 100ks) and see it well utilized, Stella could find good uses for it!

Thank you Stella!!


I second the recommendation for @carlgnash