I agree with all I read but I think number 7 got it backwards. Since American foreign and monetary policy directly affect the rest of the world, the minority has the power to rule over all others who can't cast a vote in their own interest.http://www.notbeinggoverned.com/20-reasons-to-not-vote/
All week long I've been reading about how either one of the two presidential candidates will destroy the world if elected. If people really believed that then they would do everything in their power to allow the rest of the planet to vote in what is currently a closed off election. I know that ain't gonna happen though. American voters at large really don't give a shit about the rest of the planet or are too ignorant to care. All voters are nationalist and a nationalist will do anything and say anything in order to get their own political interest pushed forward.
I had long been against voting because I thought my vote was worthless. I still believe there's large amounts of corruption in the system. However, something snapped inside me and I realized I have no excuse to not make an effort to make a change and stand for what I believe in. A vote is minor, but I've no excuse not to vote. But it's more than that, I want to do more. This next year of my education I'll be looking more than I have ever before to make a difference, and hope that I can inspire others to do the same.
In Laura Poitras' My Country My Country she follows the family of one of the leading Sunni candidates. The candidate's family is reluctant to even vote for them. As they put it, "If we vote, then we can't complain." I thought this was really interesting, as I'd always heard the opposite sentiment expressed.
I still vote. But I think anybody who thinks they are going to create change in society through voting is badly misguided.
Again, my point here is that America as the reserve currency controls the money of the planet and can easy influence governments around the world with it's great military power. You can't go many places in this world without tripping over a US military base. Why then should't the rest of the world be allow to vote in one of these closed off elections? America is an example of the few deciding for the rest. They call it democracy but it's clearly not.
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