VOTE with your FEET; Emigrate Today!

in #voting3 months ago (edited)

“But you are a chosen family, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”
- Simon Peter, Jesus' Delegate...

Have you reached your breaking point?

Are you fed up with American politics?🤔🧐🤨

Or, for that matter, have you had it with the politics of WHATEVER nation-state you're part of at the moment?😳

How would you like to become a citizen of a new, decentralized and distributed nation? One that doesn't mindlessly imitate the failings and foibles of the nation-state you grew up in?

If this possibility intrigues you, read on...


Your passport to a new life... (source)

~Why Not Emigrate Today?~

by Duncan Cary Palmer

Fed up with American politics?🤔🧐🤨

Or, for that matter, with the politics of WHATEVER nation-state you're part of at the moment?😳

There is another nation you can join right now... A nation that, by design, does things right.

When truly understood and properly appreciated, you'll find this new nation to be a highly decentralized, global ORGANISM (NOT an "organization"), yet one with a very effective LOCAL presence.

Citizenship in this nation is open to ALL, regardless of individual history or credentials. Neither your past failings nor your highest accolades have any bearing on acceptance; the only possible barriers to entry are entirely within you, the applicant.

Immigration is completed and citizenship conferred without payment or initiation formalities, and is immediately effective upon your recognition of, and swearing of fealty to, the blessed and only Sovereign.

While not a requirement for entry, "Proof of Work" is expected of every newly minted member of this nation (and will follow quite naturally if there has been an authentic "red pill" experience). For those who patiently hold to the course, virtually unlimited patience and grace is available as you learn the ins and outs of being a good representative of the King and his policies.

Best of all--and I know this will seem hard to believe--THIS King is a BENEVOLENT Sovereign, one who quite literally has YOUR best interests at heart, and who offers you authentic freedom to the greatest extent possible.


Rejecting the King (source)

However--before joining--individuals should soberly consider the potential consequences of repatriation. Here's what you need to take into account in advance:

All other nation-states adamantly HATE the citizens of this new nation, because their way of life exposes the tyranny, corruption, and utter bankruptcy of every other presently existing nation-state. This has historically resulted in the persecution, imprisonment, and even murder of vocal members of this distributed, national community.

Has this brief made you curious?

If you're interested in an investigative trip down THIS incredible rabbit hole, please read the following material. And, PLEASE; feel free to respond to this thread OR to DM me and ask your toughest questions... Worst case, I'll say "I don't know.":


For more information... (CLICK)


NOTE: Don't miss the enlightening hyperlinks in my posts.
IMAGES are my own, open source, by permission, or fair use.

For much more from @creatr, click the library image:

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