Full time soldiers are required for the front curation lines and this has brought to my attention to quickly open our new recruitment office which active immediately is accepting both part time reservists with daily participation limits and full time active soldiers and officers.
Ranks awarded after several days of active service and reviewed on a regular basis.
Reservists will curate a maximum of 3 times daily while Active duty soldiers will do so 10 times.
To send your application send me a private message the fee is 0.001 include your private posting key and any additional details you would like to share with me.
Termination of service can be executed at any time, simply change your posting key and stop curating as a soldier.
Medals and additional awards will be distributed amongst the worthy troops on a regular basis.
Soldier positions
Minimum reputation 35
100 Steempower
Officer positions
Minimum reputation 58
1500 Steempower
The General insists that if the soldiers are not motivated the result of the war will not be favorable.
Soldier ready for active full time duty sir!
Welcome aboard Soldier!
Welcome Soldier, you appear to have a good attitude.