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RE: VPN Suggestions?

in #vpn6 years ago

A lot of people like PIA (Private Internet Access).
I've used IPVanish before. They work really well and have a ton of servers all over the world.
NordVPN has some awesome tech support, but their servers are limited.

There's also this new Librem (not to be confused with Libra), which is like this whole mess of services from Purism, which is a Linux computer maker. They give you an account to use for end-to-end encrypted email and chat, plus a VPN tunnel. They're also hoping to get enough customers to have cloud storage and backup as well as phone service. So, basically everything that the other providers give, but focused on security and privacy. The chat and messaging is based on the open source rocket distributed services even. It's $8 for one person, or $15 a month for a family pack, which isn't great compared to just a VPN, but it's supporting a company that's trying to roll out a whole mess of privacy based services.

Whatever service you choose, you'll probably actually wanna set up something like a rasberry pi to actually tunnel all of your traffic through, so anyone that connects to your wifi goes through the VPN and you don't have to deal with your roommate accidentally going off the VPN. There are a ton of guides and ways to do it. Even possible to run it on some routers themselves. Basically just needs a basic Linux computer to be set up to run the VPN and forward the traffic.