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RE: Step into the Oasis: VRChat -- Virtual Reality's Killer App?

in #vr7 years ago (edited)

Hey przecinek! Thanks for your comment, I do recognize that VRChat has seen substantial downloads and regular playtime, however, those numbers wouldn't justify 'Killer App' status in my opinion. Look at the games I've mentioned above such as Pokemon Go! (100 million Downloads (by August 8th, Google Play market only)) and PUBG (Owners - 33,333,814 W/ a $29.99 price tag [Only steam numbers]), each game has seen massive success and brought many fresh faces to their respective platforms. There's no doubt in my mind that VRChat has been one of the most popular VR games on steam, however, it's nowhere near what a Killer App would generate. I am strongly in the camp that all that VR needs is a reasonable price point. Thanks again, przecinek, for your feedback! Appreciated :)