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RE: VR - I've changed my mind.

in #vr8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the in-depth, I was pretty sure VR would be huge, I just thought it would've happened a long time ago honestly. It's been around a while, I remember being a kid and playing in the arcade of a movie theater. There was helmet like thing on a gimble and you played a soldier defending a hill, it was crude but fairly immersive in it's 360 degree action. There were shows like VR troopers and others . I hope this isn't too long of a comment! I just yesterday played a mobile VR app on my phone with my niece and nephews, FREE to download all you need is a relatively cheap VR headset designed to hold your phone. I picked a shark app and ended up at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by sea life, it only gets better from here, another hint, Ready Player One a sci fi novel from 2011 is now soon to be imo a hit film. VR is here to stay for sure. Great article!!