Words and rebranding vscode2hive

in #vscode2 months ago

I'm thinking a lot about words and how people understand / describe the inner workings of Hive.

I am trying to think of a new name for vscode2hive. I don't like the current name very much. I tried to think of other words and asked the community. Some words that we brainstormed together are: stamp, imprint, blockchainify, inscribe. How about hive-ify?

There are some really good names for other Hive projects. For example pinmapple and its successor worldmappin. These names sound good and they clearly express the purpose of the app. What should we call this thing that plugs into vscode and broadcasts text to the Hive network?

  • vscode2Hive
  • publish-to-Hive
  • stamp-in-Hive
  • imprint-in-Hive
  • inscribe-in-Hive

Other ideas:

  • immutable - meaning unable to change, without exception.
  • perma-freeze

I kinda like the word "freeze". As in carbon-freezing of Han Solo in Star Wars. But that implies that it can be unfrozen. Hence, perma-freeze.

"push this button to perma-freeze this document in the Hive ledger"

Random aside:
This old article about a blockchain social network called Ono caught my attention today. I had never heard of Ono.

Broadcast via vscode2hive https://www.forbes.com/sites/bensin/2018/08/16/chinas-first-blockchain-social-network-is-the-brainchild-of-a-24-year-old-female-poker-player/


Do you have a sentence that describes vscode2Hive ?

Quick thought that came to mind was codifyHive and HiveCodifier

May Positive pepEntropy be with you.


vscode2hive allows you to publish a blog post directly from your text editor to the Hive network.

Oh wow That's interesting.

So I suggest Text2Hive !LOLZ

not bad!

It may be simpler than vscode2Hive but not irreductive. Maybe? !LOLZ

If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of fjworld



@hivetrending, I sent you an

vscode2Hive. says what it is... does the job

script2hive ?

I like inscribe, inscribing something sounds meaningful or significant.

vscode2Hive loved it!