Fun one today!
My usual morning routine had an unexpected wobble after making the decision to change it up. I had planned to go to the aqua class at the gym to get my groove on with all the ladies. Unfortunately, the class instructor was ill so it's been pushed back a week or so.
Here's the wobble.
I told myself I'd be going to the gym to do some more concentrated exercise (I know, wtf, exercise at the gym?*) so I continued as such and did some lengths in the pool for the first time. My thinking is... I really want to go to this aqua class on a Monday morning, so it was wise to exercise in the pool to prep my mind for it in the future.
Fun fact: I've never stepped into the fitness room in the gym. Not once. Almost been going for 3 months as well, more or less daily. Steam, stretch, read. Easy.
My thinking there is... if I associate the feeling of ache and pain with the gym, I'm more than likely not to hop on the bike to ride up every morning. Instead, I know I'm going to relax and switch off for a bit so the effort is minimal (honestly, it is pretty incredible how the consistency with this has shaped my mind and body).
That swim this morning was intense. Started with a few breaststroke lengths to get the vibe and then I did 4 or 5 **fast** front crawl lengths with deep breathing and rest after each one. It rocked and hasn't intruded too much on my day (well, it's got me writing a post about it, I guess that's fairly intrusive, in a good way!).
Point to all of this? WYSIWYG boi.
*I just went to get the link and noticed this. Seriously, dafuq?*
Time to find a tune for monday morning.....
lol, this one popped up. discovered this on the OITNB TV series a few years back. quality tune!
Small steps, day-by-day
I know this should not be my take-away from this post but OMG 🤣
Only you, Cal❣️ this is pretty damn inspired brilliance !ROTFL here. Glad you got a swim in. How are the legs doing after Saturday's cycle...pickle juice working well for you then hehe?
I will definitely go check out Aiuna's post this evening! Sounds very interesting, and as that music link is for a Monday morning wake up I shall leave that for another day...I have opened a tab with it in...currently listening to some chilled country 💕 and don't want to disturb the midnight flow hehe...
You know what, I've had ZERO aches or pains, lol! I know it was only 40 odd miles but I'm amazed by how well they are holding up. I was able to get back on the bike the morning after with no issues, and still no issues after 48 hours. Wut wut!! (I fell off my bike too, went over the handlebars and banged up my right shin/knee, even that has been sweet, minimal bruising and couple of scrapes).
It's something a little bit more than we see around here! I've said that we'll find a way to support it using @vyb.contests when there is a better idea of the process. I'm just going to abuse the #vyb-act tag with my rambling on 🤣
Smart! That tune above is heavier one, but damn it slaps. That first verse has PUNCH.
Oh, I'm so pleased you didn't suffer any cramping. Hope you are healing up from the fall... that's quite something going over the bars! That happened to Brett last year and he was unconscious for around 20 minutes or so and disorientated when he came round. Ended up being ambulances to hospital. Had headaches for months ... he doesn't remember how it all happened. Keep vybing Cal ;-)
Thank you so much for joining the #vyb-act project you can't imagine how happy I was that you were faster than me in posting, it really made me laugh!
Exercising is always a good choice to make. Today I will go back to training jiu-jitsu after a week recovering from an injury, I hope everything goes well.
And about the vote... Well, I must admit I was a little disappointed. It's the second time he's removed a vote from a post of mine and I'm wondering what's the point of giving a 100% vote, feeling badass for that, and then removing it.
LOL, I told you the action man was on the case 😎 glad you had a laugh! and enjoy yourself at jiu-jitsu, whatever you're able to do.
Ahh, as long as it hasn't knocked your day off course then it's all gucci! You weren't the only one so maybe there is a valid reason for it and you've been thrown in with the crowd. It is very odd though. Regardless, nothing to dwell over 👍
I love this mindset!!!!
Establishing the habit and claiming the space for good rather than for evil
sauna, read, rest.. yes
then when you're ready - THEN you'll start adding in other things
nice one hehe
😂😂 That laughter right there can say it all! It's just an 'M' and a 'W' away from...
I am enjoying the routine! It helps to start the day (although sometimes I come back and it's almost like I've finished my day lol, meeeggggaaaa relaxxxeeddddd!). Not to mention I am a right chatty cathy poolside, always meeting new people.
How's your sauna habit going??
Something is wrong with our plumbing so no showers for another day or two ...they gave us a room here to shower in but I don't want to go down there after working out and sauna and all that just waiting for my showers to work again! Hehehe
Today I think.
I miss my sauna damnit!!! Lol and it's such a huge part of the detox do its really such an inconvenient time for it to happen ! Lol
Enjoy it for me!!!
It really is! Hopefully you guys get it fixed soon 😃
I did enjoy it yesterday, and I went another step further!! I had my first ever guided yoga class last night and I have to say... it was INTENSE.
Not sure if going to a 90 minute guided Bikram yoga practise in a 38 degree room was the smartest option for my first try, but damn, I enjoyed it (even if I didn't have ANY sweat left by the end of it 😂😂😂).
Hope you have a wonderful day!!