You bring up a good point about tag spam. I know I try to include all tags that I think are relevant. For instance, if I write about a financial topic, which is often, I add leo to my tags. Because pob and vyb don't have a topic that matches with them...and they're simply communities joined at the hip, I nearly always add them. Other than that, I will occasionally throw in another coin's tag if I think it, was I creative? Then creativecoin... Did I talk about gaming along with finances? Then I can add some gaming tags. I don't see it as spam if the content matches the tags in a reasonable way. But when you tag like the ones you show in the picture above, I am absolutely right there with you. I've even called people out on their tags before. Tags should stick with the content of the post. If you have a generic tag like vyb and pob, you really can't complain if it's on anything that "proves you have a brain" or "verifies you have a brain" which is everything but a robotic post...