This is an interesting question, which should you invest in. I was in love with POB when it first came on the scene. I liked the concept of manual curation and the ROI was excellent. There were (and still are) a lot of great posts being generated. That is until the price started slipping and then flat out tanked. If I had invested a huge sum on POB at the beginning, I would surely have lost my shirt at this point. It also seems that some of the people behind POB have moved on and are not as involved. Not sure I can blame @proofofbrainio as he now has a reputation of -1.
I'm a bit late to VYB, but would have similar concerns about investing early. Seems many tribes (tokens) see their prices start high and then fade. LEO is another great example.
I stated out with a "if I make it I stake it" approach. That has not served me well as I've seen most of my stakes in tribes down 90+% in $ value from their highs (POB, LEO, VIBES) despite my continuing to add to the stakes. Recently I'm moving more towards staking a portion, and selling a portion to power up Hive and add to HBD savings.
If I had to chose to put say $50k in one or the other I would likely pick VYB because I'm not sure about the long term for POB. If I could chose another I'd probably pick LEO because it is more mature and has a great team behind it.
Just my 2 cents.
LOL. I see this post is over a month old! Not sure why it showed up in my feed. Strange.