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RE: Please VYB my Valentine

in #vyb3 years ago

In the pink picture he had pooped on my head but I didn't find out 'til hours later... Stealthy bastard. It's because I was hanging out with his big brother's family on his turf. He actually bopped me on the head really hard when he caught me...😳 But at least he brought me good luck after that!
Crows are feathered seven-year-old children, they say. I believe it.


LOLOL!!! Supposedly, it's good luck if a bird poops on you. Crows are feathered seven-year-old children, hadn't heard of that before. Food for thought.

Yes! Well, technically they are seven-year-old adults, if that makes sense. I mean, they start having their own kids when they're two, so...
But, yeah! Thanks to science, it has been proven that a crow has the approximate equivalent intelligence of a seven-year-old human being. They certainly have the attitude...😍
Still, though. Eff science for having to run tests on captive birds. Bo coulda shown 'em, easy.

I give crows credit for far more intelligence than a 7 year old human, lol. Attitude like there's no tomorrow, oh yes. 😁 How long do crows live?

I don't know if I told you about the crow I met up close and personal, quite a long time ago. It was at a friend of a friend's place. They'd rescued a one legged crow a while back. I was sitting on the couch, crow was on the back of the couch at the other end. I thought, no way will this bird like me or want to come near me, I'll just give this crow it's space and it will do what it wants. Well, if it didn't come right over to me, let me stroke it's feathers, talk to it, look into it's eyes, stayed right by me and well, I was entranced, totally gone....such intelligence and awareness, such beauty. My close up crow story. Never been the same since.

There's no smiling welled-up emoji in the selection, so just imagine one.
Crows have a way of making a person feel so seen, if that person is open. I think that empaths are also good at connecting with crows. They are extremely energetically sensitive. Pretty sure this is a huge part of their communication.

There's no smiling welled-up emoji in the selection, so just imagine one.

Awww... I thought you'd like that story. I've never been so close to one before and it blew my mind. I agree with what you've said about empaths, although I've found there are no limits to that connecting thing unless I create a barrier, or in the case of people (those who create a barrier). Totally agree with you on their communication, totally.

I wonder if this is why I dreamt last night that Bo and I were cuddling? Sigh. It was such a good dream. Sometimes I think he and I share dreams. Once I dreamt that I met a crow that was dressed up in a little rodeo clown costume, with a cowboy hat and everything. The next morning Bo pooped on my head. I had fed a bunch of other crows on his property the night before, but I think the dream contributed to his decision to revenge-headpoop.

Awwww, that's a sweet dream.

Once I dreamt that I met a crow that was dressed up in a little rodeo clown costume, with a cowboy hat and everything.

😂 I'm visualizing this. I'm thinking of crows in Alberta rodeo-land.

I think the dream contributed to his decision to revenge-headpoop.

OMG! Well, they are telepathic from what I've, um, experienced. I should not be surprised that they're walking in the dream world too. 😂