Losing Our Cult #20: Stop calling them illegal. It doesn't exist.

in #vyb10 days ago (edited)

I just want to kill what she loves the most. But it doesn't exist.

Her love or her masters?


But Sir, they have power we don't have.

Don't sir me! I am not your owner. And yes that may be true...

May be s cough true? What you mean by may be?

... And that may be true but we have something they didn't count on.

Which is?

The power to refuse and the unseen force backing it up.

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What lunatic would dare say such a thing?

It was voted on, right?

Yes it may have been.

Written by "legislators", no?

People like you and me.

Born together in the same way.

Here we are in life.


And some more equal than others.

-Animal Farm(also a movie) by George Orwell.

Here now a dead child coasted on the shore near a bank. Register this death certificate.

But it says birth certificate.

And from the water he came unto our land therefore it be ours for the taking if none claim it.




ACCORDING to our Demi God we had no choice in following:

Lost property
Lost property is typically personal property that an owner unintentionally and involuntarily parts with.

Does this mean that I didn't have to turn in my child's BC record at time of birth!? Shocker.

Real property may not be lost or mislaid.

What is property? What is real? Why the implied word "real" in the beginning? Are you referring to the piece of paper? The BC? Or the who|man?

The living whoman then (But hey we're not property!). If it was the paper birth certificate, apparently not being "real"(again what is that meaning?), it can be lost. And how is something lost?

Common Law Origins:
Common law defines lost property as personal property that was unintentionally left by its true owner. For example, a wallet that falls out of someone's pocket is lost.


Ooor for example, handing a complete stranger a voided contract (such as the BC) never to be seen again. How could you know it was the same one after it left your presence? But that alone doesn't make it void. It's just further illustrating the illusion of the claim something makes to anothers that a thing is the same thing after it left the room.

As when a prosecutor tries to make you sign a piece of paper 10 times to "prove" your signature is the same as the one written on the CON|tract. If they are so sure it's yours, why bother forcing you to compare and ask you if it's your signature?

It's about keeping records. They also want you to acknowledge on the record that you accept to be under|standing. As in standing under their authority.

But if you only so incline to the truth on how natural things occur and how things come to be in the now, you will see that a name is just a powerful tool for control and they exploit that truth unto you using that SPELLing.

You see it's all a spell. An evil wizards trick on the mind.

This is the love we get at the beginning of our lives. To be cast into slavery forever indebted to the overlords.

Think of the name. How does a name form naturally? It's obvious the writing didn't come first.

It was a thought.
Your name was a thought, but one can't hold onto a thought physically. The next stage was forming this thought into sounds. Vibrations and patterns, thus produces the verbally spoken context of the idea. But this still cannot be held physically. So the next step is writing.

And behold, a property is produced. This is what little Gold|y|locks wanted.

Now we have property that someone can own.

I know, let's make a contract for babies and tell them it's them their whole lives. That way, they won't ever have a say against the rules we impose thanks to this CON|trackt. So a form is given to your parents to fill. They lost it by giving it away forever. They get a copy.

Thus your birth certificate becomes lost during it's creation. Oops. How clumsy of your parents to let that ball fumble, eh?

So who claims the lost property?

Your overlords of course, because you believe that you are this piece of name, written a long time ago without your knowledge and consent, to be used against you according to the control freaks in power. Written into Maritime law, sold as commerce.

Everything you think you own. You don't.

Not legally.

That's because you are not the sole owner of the birth certificate all caps name you have been mislead into believing it is tied to you indefinitely. All in the mind.

How much of your assets, "private property", accounts, etc, are under that all caps name?

Repo time baby.

Didn't pay your dues well that's ok, government can now legally declare it theirs and off they send the repo man to get it, off they send armed thugs to kick you out of your house.

While us none the wiser, don't even bother to defend our land against a domestic tyranny. Now stolen, and resold by the bank.

Why the Cent|ral river bank and not govern|ment?

Because the heathens enslaving you got them in their pockets.

Got 3 hours to kill playing video games? Watch a documentary instead. You might learn something useful.

Can you see it's slavery?

It's all involuntarily made against you.

Can you see that it's a cult yet?

More to come as usual. I'm never going to finish it seems.

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What is property?
Property is theft.
Theft from us all to hoard all to yourself.

If I don't have the authority to write my rules down and force them onto you, and you don't have the authority to write your rules down and force them onto others, and neither of us can delegate an authority we don't have, where do the cops get their authority?

There is no authority, outside yourself.
Plenty of misguided bullies, though.


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