New Yorker here too. I live in the finger lakes, small town between Watkins/Ithaca/Geneva. So far only in Ithaca has anyone mentioned wearing the mask. It's like they're mostly treating it the same way they always did with No Swimming signs around here, putting up the sign for their own liability but not enforcing it.
And I've noticed even the stringent rule followers are now mostly wearing them out of some feeling of obligation to follow those rules rather than fear like they did before. I hardly ever get the hairy eyeball from the masked marauders anymore lol.
We are being treated like children or worse slaves. step out of line and you are made an example of. This is all about sticking multiple needles in our arms for some un Godly reason.
Yeah, and the problem is that so many act like children, wanting government to be their daddy. Self governance all the way for me, and they can keep their experimental fauci ouchies to themselves thanks. I have some theories on what they're trying to do, none of them good. Trying being the operative word, because as it's an experiment I don't think even they know exactly what will come of it.
I see that you live on Long Island,I spent my first 10 years in Patchogue, still have family there and in Centereach :)
Lot more people on the Island now.. But still nice out east here. Things will never be the same in this country. Everything is moving fast. Be safe dreemit
I am being down voted here in hive.. so best to stay clear of me or they will down vote you.