I Slept off While Writing My Examination.

in #vyblast year

Throughout last semester, I was having tutorial back to back, almost everyday.

At some point I was tempted to tell my coach that we should rest! Ahn ahn, we sef, we don try 😂.

But I didn't, and I continued regardless.

Sleepless night trying to combine being a student, being a student-prenuer, and some other things in between, and also having to make sure I submit my coach assignments the day I'm meant to, else, he wouldn't take it lightly with me.

Well, my coach isn't harsh in case you're wondering, it was just more of the fact that I told him to be a little bit firm with me. Left to myself, I can do things whenever I deem fit. So I needed him to continually put me on my toes.

Few days to the commencement of our examination, we totally stopped all tutorial, and each of us focused on our examinations squarely.

So because I have had loads of tutorial on that course prior to the exam day, I totally left that course unattended to. I just believed I knew all that there is to know about it.

A night to that examination, I slept throughout the night.

My roommate had to ask me if I was sure I had exams, and I responded in the affirmative.

But so that it wouldn't look like I was not a serious person, I quickly did a scan through my notes.

I got to the examination hall, saw my questions and trust me, they looked familiar 😂.

Familiar yeah, but it was like my brain was shutting down and was refusing to respond.

Oh dear.

I had to call myself back to order and started a series of affirmation.

"I know all things"

"I remember all that I have read"

"Aj, you can't disappoint your coach o"

This and many more were the affirmation I was saying.

You might be wondering why I said, I can't disappoint my coach, well, the man has invested too much of his time on me for me to fail that course.

*A whole three month!" No, it is a lot.

I told myself to calm down, I rested my head on the table, and I slept.

Oh yes, I slept.

After about 10 minutes, I woke up, and it was like my head decided to work together with my brain.

I gave the examination my best shot, but this has to be the exam I panicked the most. I really can't just imagine failing the course, when it wasn't like I didn't know it.

My lackadaisical attitude was what led me there, and I had to face the music headlong. Hahaha.

And the weirdest part of it all, I remembered a sermon I had listen to a while back in the examination hall, where the preacher was saying something about "The holy spirit will not bring to your remembrance what you don't know o"

I'm glad that phase was over anyways 🤗.

Now, I heard resumption is here 😂. Well, not me. I'm not ready yet.