I will sincerely say the two works hand in hand with each other here on hive system.
Your work here in terms of posting of contents and giving valid comment on other people's content,which made up the word engagement is very vital and honestly that is why so many users today here are thriving,cause their work has define them in the right way.
Staking too is very essential most especially the level of return that comes with it,I will say it is the best way of making things look more easier here on hive system,cause it has a way at which it will open user's to lot of opportunities and rewards,I remember that staking of pob token was one reason why so many users have lot of vyb token too.
It is all about work and stake here on hive system
You have a point.
But proof of stake has been a help to hive Community.
But I just like how hive balanced it.
Proofofstake is just a little ahead if proof of work here
Hive uses proof of stake and this is why curators with high power of hive received more percentage than the worker except the worker has high amount of hive power too
The difference between the proof of stake or proof of work of hive community is very low I didn't even know that hive are using proofofstake