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RE: "Is VYB Gona Give Ya Shelter From The Storm?"

in #vyb3 years ago

"...courageous, fierce and outspoken at times; impetuous, angry and foolhardy at others - fishermen, whose boats were sunk or capsized in the Chaos of Stormy Destruction..."

This DAWG's my HERO!

Only ONE distraction in your amazingly relevant Critique! And that is that a READER MAY be responsible for Their OWN Interpretation of Words : )

Screen Shot 2021-12-20 at 6.55.09 AM.png


She's sumpin' else that lil' Flame :D.

a READER MAY be responsible for Their OWN Interpretation of Words

Since she's scratching her head with her other paw atm, I'll pass on my interpretation to her to see if we have understood:
we cannot be sure that the READER will have the same Pawception or Understanding of whatever we may be trying to express as we have at the time of the Expression. IOW, we cannot be certain that our POV will have been 'delivered'.

Right on! ...but is that wacha meant?

From the vid came the suggestion of un-SPELLING of words to undo the SPELLS cast during periods of MASS hypnosis!

