Seeing vyb was like was hive tribe token created to fall?
Does the developers not care about the fall of the vyb token?Good to see @scholaris here today
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Seeing vyb was like was hive tribe token created to fall?
Does the developers not care about the fall of the vyb token?Good to see @scholaris here today
People sold fearing what happened to pob holders holding at high price.
The dev don't care about price.
Same with pob too
But it's dangerous for the tribe due to low rewards
They don't want to miss out the gain and quickly sell before dumping
Most of those that received the free airdrop are the ones that sold most at first
Probably because those who didn't receive airdrop rewards are still stake so it won't be much enough for unstaking
And the price has started dumping since the beginning after a week of the tribe
This isn't has any business to do with price dumping as you are blaming airdrop receiver
Don't bring up this conversation please
Nothing concern the dev with the price fall.
Truly it's not the dev fault
But I discovered that the dev don't have any business with a value
The dev are not meant to react to the value or else it will be regarded as a useless dev.
I wonder why is that. But I do guess they do this to make it become a real utility
There awesome project even many project that if you talk about the value they don't tolerate it as they do mention that they don't care what the value is
This so whywhenyou talk about price of a great project to the devteam they don't concern or doesn't even wanna discus that with anyone
To promote utility and destroy fud and useless word like pump and dump
It's not the developers fault for the fall of the token but is there no way to increase buyers by more features and creativity 🤔🤔
Popularity make it seems like it's a low project with low vision just like other tribe.
Who knows
Most tribe here don't have a road map
And most tribe here token are dumped right now compared to its value when it first start