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RE: Reflections on the past, present, and future of VYB (Part 1)

in #vyb3 years ago (edited)

You're trying to sweep the dirt, Markinator and his gang fabricate, under the carpet. I presume you are some kind of manipulating 'cleaner' tidying up their mess behind them... What you are writing is about as interesting as if a bag of rice falls over somewhere in the south of Cambodia in the afternoon... I will move on, when I deem it to be the right time...


Like I said. You're goal is to bully and harass. If you don't want any part of what I'm trying to say, don't talk to me.

I don't have time to sit around and deal with another delusional prick living in a fantasy world.

You're demonstrating my concerns. You'll sit there and make stuff up just so you can make yourself look good and others look bad, but you look like shit, and I know for a fact you're full of shit, because the shit you say, is shit. You're just pulling this crap outta thin air and forcing it on me.

All I'm doing is being real with you. If you can't accept that. It's not my problem.

You've wasted my time. A perfect candidate for the mute button.

Try to have a good day though.