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in #vyb3 years ago

In so many words that's why I said on a blog the other day. These globalist want to force you up in your house the only alternative to solving this (in as peaceful as manner as possible right now) is to find a way to chase them up back into theirs. My suggestion was something along the lines of a few sticks of dynamite in the water while they were out relaxing on their yachts but a few thousand mac trucks coming to visit isn't a bad idea either. I am not advocating violence to harm just to use tactics that keep them on the run and held up in their houses like everyone else.


it just may have to end up in violence and bloodshed to stop all of this.

I hope not, every things so torn apart already. So much loss. I think we are all the more wiser onto them now, how we bring it to a stop I have no idea. I don't have faith in the election process anymore because I am convinced by their behaviors that the system is rigged in their favor otherwise they wouldn't feel so compelled to be talking to their constituents the way they do and show no signs of putting a stop to it or even wanting to.

Election is just another con to divide the people with political drama. And yes you're right the power brokers will not tarry, they will push the agenda forward no matter what.

Stay safe and stay alert. Don't be losin hope yet. We have a long way to go.