Dreams can be rough. I haven't had the traumatic experiences you mention, but a few weeks ago I had a horrible dream that I have been coping with every waking moment since. Just thinking of it enough to write this clenches a fist in my gut, and grief and anxiety threaten to overwhelm me.
I am confident my dreams are just dreams, and my reality isn't forecast or prophesied in dreams, so I only have to deal with the emotional trauma of the incidents in the dream, because the real world is a separate thing. I wish I could say that was true for you, but I cannot because I haven't been in your shoes and haven't been through what you have.
I am glad you know you will overcome it.
As this world gives us an experience so do dreams. I'm not convinced dreams really are just dreams but a separate realm where our conscious soul travels to. Sometimes, I think we may not have the ability to control what we do, but we do on how we respond to the relationship of our experience.
Thank you for you sharing that part of you. I think dreams also is our soul trying to communicate with us in this realm the best way it can, while we have this limiting factor called a brain to understand it.
Cheers mate!
I actually am informed that human consciousness isn't an individual affair, but is comprised of multiple participating entities. Human bodies are comprised of trillions of cells, and it is our individual cells that are the sources of our conscious minds. In addition to our own cells, our gut fauna also contribute to our consciousness. There is a mechanism that suppresses our memory forming operations while we sleep, and we largely do not remember our conscious intellectual operations while we sleep for reasons of coordinating this assemblage of many contributors, and dreams are some necessary means of ironing out such implementation of consciousness - and may also be routes to communication with other beings than ourselves.
I certainly do not have a full and complete understanding of these things, but have managed to route around the ban on recollection of intellectual conscious operations while we sleep enough times to grasp the above facts.
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