Finally the whales of pob are powering down.
POB has been way too centralized by the majority of pob ownership such as onealfa. Pob might have some brighter future yet if it can be exchanged for something other than just only hive. Which is the case for most if not all layer 2 tokens. This is why I think all layer 2 tokens will eventually end up being shit coins if no exchanges accept them outside the layer2token/hive pair.
I want to see vyb paired up with bch, btc, or any other crypto. As it stands, All I see is layer 2 tokens helping boost the hive token ecosystem at the cost of those that invest in them.
Which doesn't surprise me as there is a push to deplatform innocent people with DV abuse on the layer 1 end.
Money rains upwards not down.
So onealfa is powering down, this means he will sell which means further distribution. Meaning pob might catch a break in this continuing downtrend that has made many people quit pob.
Maybe peolle will now listen to reason and find out that giving to the rich to make them richer at the cost of them getting poorer is not a solution from being poor.
You are right about this but
People won't understand this but he is holding 20% of vyb token too but it's safe because he isn't a dumper.
If vyb coreteam can give thier best to vyb tribe he will give his support and keeps buying @onealfa is not a dumper. He played a very great role in holding pob value by buying and staking everyday .so pob is safe if someone like @onealfa is holding a huge percentage Because he stake all and never sell but due to proofofbrain absence which do offend him made exchange pob to vyb(he still didn't sell pob).
@onealfa is one of the great pillars holding proofofbrain community and pob token and after he lost some interest he has in pob,pob isn't the same like before but pob still stand. I hope pob becomes stronger but @onealfa influence is undeniable

We are on the same track
Both of you are correct
except he is familiar to the community to see onealfa impact New people won't understand how @onealfa contribution is.
This is why I said you are right about what you said.
But am talking about individualism and appreciation to onealfa dedication that's all.
So that people won't misinterprete his intentions in holding that much of the tribe token
I repeat you are right💯💯
The community of vyb is not yet strong enough and we have to work on Community.
Still need a lot of improvement
What improvement do you think is needed to vyb tribe
Make this a topic of discussion.
We need more improvement@insight.ppb
How can we work more on enlarging vyb and pob Community?