You almost soliloquy here! And i see where it comes from. So much happens throughout the day. Some achieve, others disappoint, but life goes on, just as rises, then sets and again rises the sun!
And that shot you took there - It is as beautiful as it gets.
This is a fine write, @freddmape. But just curious, is that the only photo you captured?
Following the narration, you mention some really beautiful moments, like
The birds began their daily life in search of food, the pelicans or pelicans were diving in filling their bag of water and fresh fish.
In the distance on the horizon the mountains looked majestic, they looked like giant dinosaurs asleep,
The boats and boats returned from their nightly work with their load of fish, some with the sadness of not catching anything and others with the joy of bringing food to their homes.
I wish you had also captured some photos there! Or did you? Including them would be great to augment the narration.
Meanwhile, i would also recommend you improve on your post formatting to make it visually appealing. You could start by breaking up your writing into paragraphs...especially.
And, oh, i just saw the Pelican up there flying! And of course the boats.
But wait, is this your own photo, or you got from another source? If it is from another source you might want to mention the source, or at least indicate it is not yours.
Otherwise, nice write-up
Also, just so you know, i curate for the @asapers. We are glad that you are already a member and following. I passed by to see how you are doing, and to encourage you to continue posting quality content.
Good friend mirrors. First of all, thank you very much for such timely and good recommendations. I have begun to realize how much is learned through this medium (steemit), it is gratifying to know that there is someone who reads us and helps us to improve.
I wrote this post expecting precisely advice from people with more experience in the field and I think I was right. I have always liked to write and detail the beauty of things describing the realism of nature and the connection that binds us to it. Looking at nature makes us noble, small and great at the same time enjoying the sweet nectar that gives energy to life.
You ask me if the photo was taken from that moment, and I tell you honestly, no, it was an image I took from another source because at that time I did not have a camera and I did not want to leave this moment of inspiration without an image. But I will take some photos capturing what I described in the post since I almost always enjoy that beautiful view that fills me with peace.
Again, thanks for the friend tips, I will take you very much into account.
That is well, @freddmape. You say it all too well. There is not much i can add .
I am particularly glad that you are willing to learn. We are all learning at the end of the day. I personally have a lot more to grasp. And i am glad that with the little i thus far know, i can be of help to others.
Briefly Describing one's photos/drawing is a catchy way of engaging with your readers. It is a good thing you already understand this. Keep it up.
Thanks for getting back. Now steem on!