
What is a "world passport"? I've never heard of it?

There are no magic papers. Terrorists do you recognize rights or law. And I do live in America, just the larger more free side of it ;)

I see what you are saying. No tyrants do not recognize rights or law. Another reason to claim the world as your country and own guns. Free men don't need papers of any kind. But try going anywhere other then Mexico without them. If I must live in a world where one should need papers then at least I can say my papers say I'm stateless. The only law I recognize is natural law. If there is no victim there is no crime. Do no harm but stand your ground. That is my motto.

I wrote a blog about it a little over a week ago. It does exist and I signed up for it for the very reason that I refuse to call myself a United States citizen. I did not willfully or knowingly make an informed decision to be a citizen of any state.