I celebrate the Fathers on the Platform, Happy Fathers Day.

in #wafrica7 years ago


  • Today is the day we celebrate father just like we celebrated mothers day early this month, i have to say happy fathers day and i celebrate everybody in position to stand as a man. Am saying this because of the fact that fathers have the seed to bring forth the world and thats why we are co-creators with God. Men stand and raise your heads high because of the authority given to us and this is from the Lord whom we submit to as so do the women submit to men because its a spiritual principle.
  • The reason as to why we have to celebrate this day as fathers to nation is tje fact that this is a seed planted in all men from the foundation of the world as the Jesus the supreme ruler and author of salvation. This clearly shows how the Lord has granted and delegated this authority to us as men and this enables us to use it as expected by the Kingdom but not in a foolish way and this straight away goes to family and the related institutions. In next segment of this writing, am tackling the family structure and what we need to conform to as fathers of nations.


  • According to the plan of God, the man(father ) is the head of the family and the overall as the Lord Jesus is the overall head of the Church, this what am calling authority from the Lord to fathers and hence no one is expected to stand above a father because of tje seed we carry. Men or fathers are heads of families and tjey play a big role in the raising up of children together with the wife but the most cardinal purpose is to be the head and manage all family affairs and provide for it.
    This clearly states that husbands or fathers its a calling from God and we have to make it coke sure because we are all grounded in love because husbands have to love their families and stand for tjem in all times. In this its teaching us to be concious of what we do while in families because we are the picture of family before God as we see in the Old testament where the Lord traces for the heads of families to come up with the geology through which the world comes in existance called the Seed of Adam

Finally, Fathers be deligent and walk in love as Christ has loved the church which is us and therefore lets us use the power and authority well because the one who delegated it will have to demand account for it and that means we are answerable to him.

Hebrews 4:6

  • Lets us as fathers guide children and train them in tje way of the Lord but not to rebuke them or else they will dispise the authority of parents.

A blessed sunday, love all
[email protected]



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