in #wafrica6 years ago


So I stumbled across the interaction on twitter and I was sadden immensely, I had to screenshot it. I was sad at how bad and valueless things are in the age we live in.

I have been brooding on that word "value" for a few days now. I really had no idea how to make this post, but I said what the heck I should just let the spirit flow and here goes nothing.

We feel so entitled in this age that we do not value anything. Every day there is a steady decline in the way we see life. Life was once sacred, it was revered but now, now nobody gives a shit about what goes on around so long as he or she isn't affected.

From the image about, you realise how we joke about and trivialise everything. We joke about life itself, we joke about family, we joke about love, we joke with our health.
How much did I buy my friend, she asked. What is the price of friendship? People love their properties more than they value human life.

How did we get here? My people I need to know.
It is appalling how the young generation, myself included seem to be losing our way. In fact most of us are so lost, and we have no idea that we are lost.
In the quest for quick money, we lose the value of work, patience, morality and decency. We all want to use the latest gadgets but we don't really utilize them. We sets standards that are hard for us to keep up with if we don't do certain things.
In the name of fun, we keep one too many sexual partners.
In the name of fun, we light up our insides, burn our lungs, lead our liver and kidneys down the road of degeneration.
If you ain't posting with the latest fashion, oh sorry young one you are old school.
Married men are the new young boys for girls who do not want to suffer. Shameless we are in this generation, because it isn't a crime to post a selfie from the hotel room where you just got fucked, because oh well, who cares everybody does it now.

I am pained, pained because evil and immorality is now a standard by which a vast majority of youths now measure their achievements in life.
The value of contentment has been so eroded from our minds, that we go to any lengths to be like our friends with the iPhone X. Woo onto this social media baseless life styles that we all want to measure to.

Youths can no longer dream without drugs, been a baby mama is now a decent job, having only one sugar daddy, girl are you a learner?? Having no savings, no fall back plan, in fact no plan at all. Pain, I tell you, pain is what I feel when the good ones, the ones trying to live right are faced with the riddicule from immoral brats and fraudsters.

It is well oh.

What is value? I mean what really is value anymore?

How do we get her back into our society?

How do we learn to value work and the outcome from work?

We have all been blinded by the love of fast money and fast lifestyle. No stress life, drug induced happiness, oh what a life.

This is not a regular post, I won't come and define value for anyone. Do the soul searching yourself. We can't magically change the one, but we can start from within.

What can be done?


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