I’m not me without you

in #wafrica6 years ago

I never knew love had in itself a combination of happiness, sweetness, and highness that’s capable of breaking away all the shackles of sadness and loneliness.

This is the special gift you brought into my life. You’ve redefined joy and happiness in my life and opened my eyes to see the beauty there is in life once more.

When nature came and took my sweet Mum beyond, I thought I had lost in her my heart and everything there was in me. She left me with nothing but a vacuum heart that would never love or feel love again.

I lost touch with the world and its inhabitants. I cared less, for I had no reason for more. All I had cared for was gone. The only feelings left in me were those of pain and sadness as I live drowning in my tears every morning, afternoon and night.

You crawled into my heart without notice or invitation and changed my story. Your arrival has revived the once dead heart in me and has given it reasons to love again. You’ve made all pains bearable and surmountable. Your strength and support keeps me up and running all day. I could not have asked for anyone other than you.

I can go on but the list is inexhaustible. You keep unveiling your numerous shades of goodness as the earth revolves. I only wish Mum were physical to witness as her only son takes his better half home today. It was her wish to welcome you into her heart, and to hand me over to you, but you didn’t show up in time.

What kept you so long sef?

I hope it’s not some guys that were wasting your time for me!

This goes to prove that situations and pain do not define us but our responses do. I bless the day I found you waving at me in the box like a chicken.

END of speech…

And the Pastor will say; “Now, you may kiss your bride”

Me: I’d take a step forward with my right leg, extend my left hand behind you to give you support and to lock you in my arms, so we don’t get separated before 5 minutes. I’d then use my right hand to stroke your hair as we kiss.

Church: they will cheer and cheer, but we won’t stop until after 5 minutes.

END of story!

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