How I love to Travel • Things I cannot travel without

in #wafrica7 years ago

Traveling for me is an experience I do not take likely. Not only is it an opportunity to explore new place, build new memories and experiences to me its also am avenue to discover myself more under new environment. I always like to see how I adapt to a new environment, new culture, new food, new beliefs and new ways of life. Yes I'm adventurous u'd have known that by now.



My love for mother nature has made me enjoy road trips a whole lot more that traveling by air. Flying is just too short that sometime I get to feel like what just hapened? I'm here already! flying for me doesn't give me the privileges of Sight seeing and exploring while making necessary stops while traveling. But for some of my trips I have a list of "must haves" I cannot travel without and here they are.

My Phone



Well who doesn't travel with his/her phone these days? my phone has become a must have in my daily life as it has gradually become a gadget I cannot go anywhere without. Traveling without my phone is something I cannot and still will not do. I even have canceled a flight because I left my phone on a taxi before. Lol😉

My earpiece or Headset



Well in a much as I like engaging in my travels the same cannot be said for my fellow passengers sometimes as I just might not be in the mood for a discussion or a conversation. So when traveling when I get bored of sight seeing or talking in just plug in to mybheadset and listen to some good good music. Preferably something from tuface.

My Digital Camera



Traveling is an adventure for me, I don't want to miss in relieving any moment so I always take my Nikon digital camera along and I'm always ready to take photographs of places that interest me. Tho a phone can actually do most of that this days I just love quality photography.

A book


In as much as I a vast reader I can't stay in the house without having a boom I'm reading. so when traveling, I always make sure I go with a book to keep me company when I'm bored.

Light luggage



If there's anything I hate the most, I hate having a pile of luggage to move around. in my travels I can be random with my choice of destination. I might decide to stop by at a town that catches my interest and spend a few days there who wants to be dragging luggage's everywhere.

Authors Note

Traveling and vacations and good experiences. Its good to always endeavor to try out new places. Don't be comfortable with the regular, explore, go to that beach, visit that museum, take that vacation and give yourself a treat. Remember you only live once...

Thanks for reading
@josefpius handwriting


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Courtesy of @nmalove

Thank you so much

Well written. Makes me want to book a flight!

Lol. Thanks