In this part of the word. An elderly person cannot have a discussion with you without using an adage. Its part of our culture. Using adage is a way of summarizing what you want to say in just a word. Our adages are deep in meaning and stuffed with not only wisdom but humour, watch a village Nigerian movie, you will have no other option than to agree with.
I love Nigerian adage. Below are some for your reading pleasure.
• The fly that has no one to advise him will end in the grave with the corpse
• The rod used in flogging the first wife, is kept safe somewhere ready to be used for the second wife.
• The very thing killed the mother rat is always there to ensure that the young ones are never born.
• When two elephants fights, it’s the grass that suffers
Funny but true
• If you can’t dance well, you’d better don’t get up
• A short man is not a boy
• No matter how hot tempered you are, it cannot boil water.