Here are 5 ways to make your partner feel loved always.

It is not just enough to live in the same house with your partner, or just spend time with her, rather emphasis is on the word "quality". Talk heart to heart and soul to soul. Notice the topics he/she is avoiding, observe her mood and body language. Don't just invest your time, invest your energy and be expressive.
This does not only matter when you wanna make a major decision that involves finance or the family at large. It also matters in little decisions like going for a jog/swim, going to visit a family friend, going for a wedding/burial ceremony etc. Don't let your spouse or partner feel left out. Always let them know what you are upto.
If you have decided to spend quality time with yoûr partner or include him/her in things you do, then you should endeavour to keep distractions at minimum. That means less of your phone and alsp introduce your partner to your friends at events especially female friends which shows you have nothing to hide. Do not carry your work assignments to vacations.
Another way to make your partner feel loved is by engaging him/her in deep discussions. It is very vital in the building and growth of any relationship as it helps you gain deeper understanding of each other. There are lots of deep discussion topics such as What are you mostly proud of about yourself? What advice will you give the younger you, if you were to go back in time? and so much more.
By being accomodating, i mean being eager to help, being tolorating, being understanding and willing to compromise. Alwäys consider your partner while making plans. Find out what your partners weakness are and instead of seeing them as annoying, tolorate and try to help them improve in those areas.