Nobody who knew what hell is would like to go to that place of torment. The word of God describes it as a place where the fire never goes out, of torment and where the worm does not die. It is to this place, where all those people who did not receive Christ as their Lord and Savior will stop.
There are certain questions that arise about why many people do not see the truth of the Gospel. Some of these are: What deprives you of not seeing the truth? What prevents you from believing in the gospel? Could it be that God does not want to save them? Could it be that something prevents them from believing?
This verse of Scripture is powerful. He explains that God's will is that no one should be lost. So, why do many people get lost and do not believe in Christ if you and I know that God's will is to save the whole world? What prevents you from believing? God is not the problem for our family to be saved. Let's see, then, who the problem is. The word of God teaches that every person in this world is blinded by the enemy so that he can not see the truth.
Let's dig a little deeper into what God is talking about in these verses. The word covert in the Greek is "Kalupsis", which means, hidden, covered, enveloped. What does this tell us? That unbelievers can not see the light of the gospel because the enemy has blinded them. However, we believers were given the authority and power to remove the veil from their minds. This word is related to the Greek word "Apokalupsis", which means revelation, remove the veil, undress, discover. What is meant is that, until the unbeliever has a revelation of the gospel of Jesus, he can not know the Lord.
The goal of the enemy is to hide the truth of the gospel, to keep the unconverted tied. Revelation is the light that makes unbelievers understand and be enlightened with the truth.
Where there is no revelation, there can be no light, and if there is no light, there will be darkness.
The word blind in the Greek is "Tuphloo", which means to obscure, to blunt, to obstruct the intellect and the mind. The root of this word means "make a smoke". The idea he gives is that of a smoke screen that darkens to the point of not being able to see. There is a covering of darkness in the minds of unbelievers set by the enemy, so that they can not understand in the gospel.
What is the word telling us? The reason why people are incredulous in Jesus is because the enemy has obscured their understanding and has hindered their mind in such a way even though they want to see the truth, they can not. There are many people in the world who are totally skeptical of the things of God, who do not want to know about Him, and that is because they are blinded by the devil.
What is it that blinds the understanding of unbelievers? The pride and pride in every human being is what makes the person reject what others tell him he has to do. He does not want to submit to anyone, he wants to live life as he thinks, he is independent of God and he believes that he can live without Him. Selfishness, self-justification and independence are part of the pride and pride of the human being, and that is what that the devil uses to blind his mind.
Self-love, everything that satisfies the ego, the exaltation of the self, and any message that preaches the denial of the ego is offensive to the ego itself. What do we have to do to remove the veil? We must pray effectively so that the root of pride is removed from our family and from all those people for whom we pray to come to the feet of Christ. We must understand that the reason why people do not know the Lord and do not want to know anything about Him, is because the enemy has blinded them with the darkened understanding, so that although they want to understand, they can not. Then, on our part as believers, pray to remove the veil that deprives you to see the light of the gospel and understand the truth.
One of the things we must do to break the enemy's power is to be specific and pray with power. Sometimes, the power of the enemy will be broken instantly, and in others, progressively. Either way you do not give up. Do not stop praying even if that person in your family or friend gets worse after you started praying for them. Keep praying, that in the spiritual world, the power of the devil has been broken. Believe with all your heart and keep praying without fainting.
God is a being who has everything in abundance except one thing: Workers. The reason for this is that it does not depend on Him, but on the will of man. God does not force anyone to serve Him. If we serve Him, it is because we desire it and feel it in our hearts.
For our family to be saved, it is necessary that each day we pray, so that God will send people to our unconverted family members and so they will speak about Him. Also, we must pray that wherever they are and with whatever they are, the Lord will send workers from gospel to talk about Jesus, whether in school, in prison, in the hospital, in the business and elsewhere.
Let us pray every day for the Lord to prepare the heart of that unconverted person, to make him tender and docile. May your heart be a good land to sow the gospel, and so that when the Word is sown, bear fruit. Pray, too, that the word of God will be revealed to you in your heart and remove the veil.
True repentance is a change of mind, direction and heart.
It is a new understanding that comes from God as a result of having a revelation.
That revelation produces a change of action and direction, and a change in lifestyle.
Every day and without fainting, we must put into practice each of these steps. No matter what we see in our family, even when the people we pray for get worse, we must keep praying until the break is achieved and the promise of God is fulfilled. Remember that, once you were saved, there is a promise that includes your family, which automatically, God included in the covenant you made with Him to receive Him as Lord and Savior of your life.

God wants everyone to be saved but people have free will.
(Matthew 7:13-14 NIV) "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. {14} But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
If you're praying for someone's salvation it means that God has already put a Christian in their life.
You can pray that God will help the person understand the gospel when they hear it.
Otherwise when you pray for the salvation of someone you're asking God to change their free will so they can accept Christ out their own free will. It's a contradiction that doesn't make any sense.
He has free will ... But that same verse says it very clearly that the wide path is of perdition and the strait is of salvation and that is what God wants with all of us Salvation, where few find it, the mere fact that a member of the family is understood in the word of God, only with the help of prayer and with his own testimony, the Holy Spirit treats the other members of the family, Ephesians 6:12 Because we have no struggle against blood or flesh (the world) but on the spiritual plane