Prayer is not a monologue, it is not praying, because to pray means to make vain repetitions, and this is nothing other than praying with oneself. Prayer is not something mechanical that we do to fulfill God; It is not a religious exercise, it is not just asking God for a favor, nor is it an escape valve to relieve the conscience. Nor is it to use God only when we need it.
If we study a little further on what prayer is not, we can realize that for a long time, we have been doing vain repetitions, that we have not prayed according to the heart or the Word, that what we have had is a monologue with us and, therefore, we have not had any positive results in our prayers.
That's why we ask ourselves: Does God listen to all this disbelief? The Lord does not hear this kind of prayers because they are vain repetitions, for a long time we have been praying in this way, and therefore God does not answer us, we should not faint in prayer but look for the correct way to do it and be heard in our petitions Mr.
It is a conversation or a dialogue of our spirit with God. It is the direct communion of our spirit with the heavenly Father. The reason why we should pray with our spirit is because God is spirit, and we dialogue and pray with Him through the spirit.
Although the main purpose is to have intimate communion with the Father, prayer also has other facets, with which we can make different types of prayers. We can intercede for others, making spiritual warfare, among others.
Throughout the earth, prayer is one of the most difficult spiritual exercises to perform, since it involves a lot of discipline, and for this reason there are many reasons why it is difficult for us to have a life of continuous and constant prayer:
1.The flesh is weak.
Each of us must understand that our flesh, the old man and the old nature, do not like to pray.
Our flesh is always tired, wants to sleep more, does not want to get up early and is always looking for excuses not to pray.
If we understand this from the beginning, we can do something to subdue the flesh.
Each time this happens we must rise up and remember the discipline in which the Lord has placed us, and we always give pleasure to the flesh of not praying.
2.The results do not always go according to the time we pray.
For a long time we have been praying for the same thing, and we do not see physical results that indicate that our prayers have been answered. Seeing this, we get discouraged and stop praying
3.Prayer is an investment.
Sometimes, we have to invest a lot of time in prayer to achieve great results. You can not expect a small prayer to solve problems instantly, it is necessary to pray for a long time to see the victory of our requests.
4.Because we do not know how to pray for a long period of time.
The reasons why some people find it hard to pray, is because after five or ten minutes, the repertoire is over, they do not know what else to say to God, and because of that, they get frustrated and do not continue to pray.
5.We are ignorant about prayer.
Ignorance of how to ask, what to do when God speaks to us, how to pray according to the word, not knowing how to pray in the spirit and not knowing anything about prayer, leads to frustration, and the result is the no want to pray more.
The word of God does not command a physical or specific position, although in writing we can see different physical positions that we can adapt during the period of prayer, such as: kneeling, standing, sitting, prostrate, walking, among other forms.
You could say that the position does not matter, what matters is the aptitude of the heart towards God. We should have an aptitude for joy, reverence, gratitude and faith.
If our spiritual condition of our leadership is weak in prayer, how will the rest of the people be? It is time to pray, to seek the face of the Lord with all your heart and stop talking about prayer and do the most important, put it into practice.
If the word says that before we open our mouth, He already heard us, then, why do we have to pray? If satan and his demons have been defeated and Jesus has the authority, why pray against the enemy? Why do we have to carry the burdens to each other if God did everything? Why pray? If the word of God says that it is God's will that all men be saved, then why do we have to pray for the lost? The word of God has the answer to every question we have. There are many biblical reasons why God wants us to pray, in other words, there are several reasons that explain why there is a need to pray.
1.God works through men
Let's see a bit how it happened at the beginning of creation. God created Adam and his name means "man"; a human being, a man of flesh and blood, to whom God gave him dominion and dominion, he wishes to do the will through man.
Man is the steward, the representative of God here on earth; therefore, he is responsible for exercising his dominion and authority.
God uses it as the means to do the work. God can do whatever he wants here on earth and in heaven, without the help of anyone, but He has been pleased to use men, with faults and defects; weak that are wrong.
God works his plans and his purposes, according to the prayers of man.
Just as we observe God working together with Adam, we see him working with the prophets. For that reason He needs us to pray. He has chosen us to be collaborators of what He is doing here on earth. God needs the hands of man to heal, the mouth of man to speak, feet of man to go places, and we are his representatives here on earth. That is why God uses man to pray and intercede so that He can carry out his purposes and plans.
There are many plans and purposes of God that have not yet been carried out because there are no men and women who give birth to them in the spirit.
2.God seeks a family to have fellowship
One of the reasons we need to pray is because God wants a family with whom to have fellowship.
He wants children, with whom he can relate and have intimacy.
God wants a family with whom He can converse, walk, develop that intimate communion.
And we can see it at the beginning of this post.
3.That the will of God may be done here on earth.
Through prayer, it is that God has carried out his will here on earth, all that God has done here on earth is because someone has asked for it. How to establish the will of God on earth as in heaven is: God has said that it is his will that all men be saved. Then, it is necessary that that will be carried out here on earth for our family. How do you do this? This is done through prayer. Remember that when Jesus spoke of prayer, he referred to it as a necessity. A need is something basic that is required to survive. Eating or sleeping, and likewise prayer. It is something we need to live, otherwise we die spiritually.
There are many plans and purposes of God without being carried out, because he has not found men and women who pray according to his will. God is looking for mouths here on earth to proclaim and declare His word.
4.Prayer gives legal right to God to change the will of man.
It is through prayer, that God can deal with a person who does not want to change his condition. When you pray for that person, God begins to touch you and to disturb you, even though your heart does not want to change. It is not that God violates his free will or his will, nor does he make that person do what he wants by force, but even if that man or that woman does not want to change, God puts him to love as doing, not It was in his heart. Every day, after praying, that person begins to have a desire for change. This is done by the Lord through prayer.
This verse gives us to understand that if a person does not want or has no desire to change, God can put not only the desire in the heart, but also the will to do it, our prayers can bring changes to human beings, to the cities and the nations. Therefore, prayer is very necessary.
Maybe a relative, known or very close does not have the desire to know God, but through prayer, God can put that desire and take him to know him.
Do not stop praying until you see the answer to your prayer. Maybe you do not have the desire to fulfill the call of God, but to begin to pray. If he does so, He will begin to place the desire and the ability to fulfill his call.
The case of Elijah, God gives him the idea that he asks not to rain for three and a half years, however at the end of the chapter, Elijah asks for rain.
"A long time passed, and three years later, the word of the Lord came to Elijah, saying, Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will rain on the face of the earth." 1 Kings 18:1
"Then Elijah said to Ahab, Come up, eat and drink, for the noise of the rain is already heard."
1 Kings 18:41
Next, we see that Elijah climbed Mount Carmel and took a very particular position.
We see that the description of his position, is identical to that of a woman giving birth. What represents or symbolizes this position? It represents the prayer giving birth to things. Prayer gives birth to things in the spirit and in the physical.
What God is not saying is that through prayer, we must give birth to souls, lands, financial resources, ministries, among others.
In 1 Kings 18:44, it says: "... and the seventh time he said ..." The number seven is the perfect, complete number. It is the number of God that symbolizes fullness, the work is finished. In prayer, this symbolizes that we should pray until the work is complete, until a break is achieved and we obtain victory.
This does not lead to a question: Why in this type of prayers is perseverance required, despite being the will of God, the time of God and the idea of God? The reason is that even if it is the will of God, the time of God and the idea of God, we need to learn to pray until "rain" comes, because God wants to do it through us. How many promises of God have not been fulfilled because He has not found a person to pray? When God sets us to prayer, we should feel privileged because God is making us part of his plan. There are only two types of people that God is looking for, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, to be instruments and fulfill their plans. And these people are:
• Intercessors:
Intercessors are those people who stand in the gap as mediators between God and humanity.
They are those people who work with Jesus, as the only mediator between God and men; they are the extension of Jesus' ministry to pray for this humanity.
The intercessors are the ones who prepare the way for the will of God to be done here on earth.
• Worshipers:
These are the ones who make the glory of God descend on earth. While the intercessors plow the ground, the worshipers make the rain fall on the ground.
5.Prayer is made so as not to fall into temptation
One of the reasons why there is a need to pray, is not to fall into temptation.
One of the benefits of prayer is that it gives us self-control over temptation.
There are believers who fall before temptation because they have no life of prayer; therefore, they fall and are beaten by the enemy (satan).
6.Prayer is the means to deliver our problems to God.
God uses prayer to cast our anxieties, problems and worries on Him. There are people who are full of anxiety in their hearts because they have no prayer life and, therefore, they have not given their problems to God.
We have read, that God has chosen human beings to carry out his will here on earth. God looks for a family with which he can have friendship and communion. It is through prayer, that God can make the will of man change, putting the desire and will of God here on earth, as well as in heaven.
Prayer does not allow us to fall into temptation and gives us the strength to resist it. Also, it is a way to go to God and give him all our problems, placing all the anxiety on Him.
Be available at all times to pray, deny our flesh and be an instrument to fulfill his will.
We must take as a privilege to be part of God's original plan; You have to get up and say to the Lord: "I want to start praying and being part of what you want to do; Do it through me! "
Remember that prayer is a necessity and if we do not practice it, we will dry ourselves spiritually. Decide and start praying today!