FUN TIME WITH @GEE1. #throwbackthursday

in #wafrica7 years ago

My today's #throwbackthursday is on my service year.

I did my community service with FRSC OYO COMMAND.
So, as a Cadet of FRSC-RSC member we always go to the public to educate them on "Road Safety Tips" and visit most busy parks to enlighten them on the need to apply caution on the road why driving, we only have one life to live there's no duplicate.
*They should check their car before moving it in the morning
*Check the water gauge
*Check the oil gauge
*Check their Tires(change at least every 6months)
*Don't over pump your tires or under pump it(40,45,50 in most cases)
*Check all your lights(most importantly break light and head light)
*Dont carry over load,know the capacity of your vehicle
*Always use seat belt
*Don't text or answer call while driving
*Don't make love while driving

*For the motor cyclist always use your Helmet
*Don't drink before driving; is like lighting a fire near a fuel
*Obey traffic rules
*They should always remember that they left their love ones at home and they are waiting for their return
IMG_20170831_104520.jpg #For mothers,don't feed your baby while driving.


*Obey traffic rules
*Don't chat with your phone while walking
*Use the pedestrian bridge while crossing a double dual road
*Walk facing the oncoming vehicle never you back it
*Don't block your ear with headset listening to music while walking
*Use the zebra line while crossing the road
*Before crossing the road do a little "Drill" looking left,right and left again before you cross.
*At night,always wear a bright color shirt to be easily identified in a dark road#For pedestrian



THANKS TO @steemit @ned for the platform and to @gee1 for spicing it with "Fun Time" and to @everyone for reading.