You are a leader ( Wafrica Guest Post )

in #wafrica7 years ago

I don’t think there are some specific kind of people mapped out for leadership. Leadership is a compulsory duty for everyone one earth. So, I believe that everybody is a leader, the difference is the position you exercise your leadership duty.


Let’s take family for instance. A family of five (5), where you have father, mother, first child, second child and third child. The father has it as his responsibility to take care of his wife(mother) and the children. Mother has it as her responsibility to take care of her husband(father) and her children. First child has it as his/her responsibility to take care of his/her parent and his/her younger ones. Same to the second child. The third child has it as his/her responsibility to take care of his/her parent as well as his/her senior ones.

So each department, from father, mother down to third child department, has a method and plan for handling their department. The leader of each department discipline his/herself focusing to achieve the objective of that department.
The leader also directs his followers to move in a specified direction. In any point in time someone somewhere is inspiring somebody. Mind you that nobody is a monopoly of knowledge. That means there will be a time when you lead while others follow.

The question is how and where do you lead others to? A leader rules, guides, motivates or inspires others. You cannot be a leader and a follower in the same department at the same time.


As a leader, you are in complete control and should be willing to step forward to take the responsibility and command of the situation. It is assumed that a leader knows it all (though a good leader will always seek the advice of his followers). A leaders must live to the expectation of his/her followers.

Followers hunger for positive outcome of which a leader must provide. The positive outcome must be the vision of a leader based on the aim of that department. Whatever vision you might have in life, you need to work with others to achieve it. Therefore, do not disobey just because you are not responsible, rather obey just because you are a leader. The people you disobey today might be your follower when you are in charge.

Every department of life has rule of which it is a must for members to obey. The best standard for a leader is the Golden rule, ‘’do unto other as you would have them do unto you’’.


This piece above is Authored by
@fatherfaith , edited and posted by @mcsamm for @wafrica.


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 Art by @jacobite


Nice write up.
We are all born leaders

Thats very true @ikechi

Yes ooooh,
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
That's is in deed a golden rule and law of karma

Thanks for your add too @joagawu

Their is always an innate ability in all of us to lead. All we need to do is to unlock it. Very nice post.

Thanks for being here

Its true @wafrica everyone is a leader in his/her state just some people just neglect the responsibility and leave it in space.

You are just right about that

I believe we are all leaders becaue even nature teaches us that we are all different in our person, plus every one has been blessed with a unique gift to lead in that domain.
This is a great one and all i wish is for people to rise up and show forth their unique leadership skill.

@wafrica!! You are absolutely right and undisputed. A leader takes control of situation under his or her control and all the characteristics of a leader, hee or she must possess.

Leadership doesnt begin from been elected. Its determined by how, "*one is able to react and take control when things tends to fall apart". At that moment your leadership is been tested.

In your place of your, as the Boss", your worker(s) comes late to work or an interviewee comes late to an appointment. How do you react? How you react would determine if you are qualified or not. Because as a leader people are watching, and waiting for the slightest mistake to mark you down.. And above all looking up to you.
Finally, "Leadership is a quality which is brought to existence in one's life, by been patience, hardworking and above all seeing the best in others"*. A beautiful piece, @wafrica

do unto others what you will have them do to you

To be a good leader, you must be a good follower