An Early Christmas Present?

in #waivio4 months ago

My mom is funny... My mom and I are getting closer and bonding more (which is awesome) and now she's offering to buy me early Christmas presents.

Considering I'm not one to ask for much, I'm kind of iffy on accepting it. She offered to buy me a new laptop (a 'cheap' one, of course) but I still haven't accepted it. She knows I am shopping for one, while also being in the market for a new car so I'm guessing she wants to be helpful. Don't get me wrong, I don't NEED a new laptop—AND I don't want to take away from my mother's savings just for a new one. To be honest, I want to look for a decent mid-level laptop or possibly a high-end with a nice deal.

I can do everything I need to with my cellphone(s), except reliably stream gaming videos. So I'm kind of stuck but also feeling a little selfish. She always puts me on the spot well knowing I don't like asking for expensive things. That's my mom for you. Lol

At this point, I may just accept the gift and forgo the expensive laptop. I was already budgeting for the expensive laptop as a part of my goals. I'm not sure now. We'll see!!!