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RE: Review:, Godmorn Coffee Maker

in #waiviolast year

I did. I'm a scammed user and I payed for premium which was a joke.

Leo sucks. You are low effort scam that's bankrupt and begging for people to buy a garbage product.

I got scammed and treated like shit multiple times not only by your group but by you.

So I'll be honest. Tell everyone about how bad of a customer service I got. The fact my friends are too polite to say anything? I'm not.

Leo scammed uses and keeps up with this at the same time you are about to go bankrupt as well? Seriously... Promise the world and a great user experience and the front end eats your writing before you can post.

Nothing about Leo is quality. It's a polished turd.

If it worked and you had some basic customer service? Oh this wouldn't happen.

If Leo was worth it? You wouldn't be begging promising and lying trying to get support ..

Leo the rotten bankrupt lion. The apex scam... The apex joke of a product?