in #waivio4 days ago

Sea turtles have inhabited our planet for more than 100 million years and have shown an amazing capacity for adaptation. However, due to ignorance or negligence, humans represent an ever-increasing threat to their survival, to the point that they are among the animals in danger of extinction. We want to tell you some curious facts about these incredible marine reptiles that will fascinate you and help you understand why we must protect them.

Sea Turtles: How Much Do You Know About These Ancient and Charming Creatures?

1. Sea turtles are older than dinosaurs

Sea turtles have been around for over 150 million years, making them one of the most primitive reptiles on the planet. Their tough, strong build goes beyond just a physical attribute; it has also allowed them to survive and adapt to all the changes the Earth has undergone for so long. Dinosaurs are extinct, but turtles are not. How strong they are!

2. They have an exceptional memory

Sea turtles use the Earth's magnetic field to navigate, but they are also thought to be able to accurately remember where they were born, even after traveling thousands of miles across the oceans. This behavior, known as "philopatry," brings them back to the same beaches to nest each time.

3. Sea turtles communicate through vibrations and sounds

Although they don't produce sounds like other marine mammals, sea turtles are sensitive to vibrations and can respond to low-frequency sounds. This is a key skill for their survival, as it helps them detect potential threats.

4. They can recognize human faces

Certain species of turtles are believed to have the ability to recognize human faces and respond differently depending on previous interaction. This fact reinforces the theory of good memory that we discussed a few paragraphs back. What is scientifically proven is that sea turtles have very well-developed vision, being able to see in low light in the ocean depths, as well as distinguish ultraviolet light, which is imperceptible to the human eye.

5. They contribute to the health of marine ecosystems

Each species plays a specific and fundamental role in the balance of the oceans, and sea turtles are no exception. By feeding on jellyfish, sea grasses and sponges, they play a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity and health of aquatic ecosystems.

6. Turtles have specific “personalities”

Some research suggests that each turtle has a different and unique behavior that characterizes and differentiates it from others. Some are more curious and exploratory, while others are more cautious and reserved.

7. Sea turtles are very long-lived

Land turtles can live 100 years or more! Such is the case of Johnatan, the longest-lived turtle in the world. In the case of sea turtles, the calculation is more complicated because they are more difficult to track and monitor. However, we do know that some can live 50 years or more; they have a life expectancy similar to that of humans. Most sea turtles take between 20 and 30 years to reach maturity. This longevity is crucial for the survival of their populations, as they face numerous threats during their lifetime.

8. Industrial fishing is their greatest threat

Every year, thousands of sea turtles die accidentally caught in industrial fishing nets, known as “ghost nets” which, lost or intentionally abandoned by fishermen, fall to the bottom of the sea and represent a latent danger for turtles, which can become entangled when searching for food on the seabed.

And not only are the nets dangerous for sea turtles; so are the tons of trash found in the sea, especially plastic waste that is also a deadly trap for turtles and other marine species.

9. Captivity for tourism affects their well-being

Once again, we have to say it: man represents a serious threat to the animals of our planet; and sea turtles are no exception to this reality.

There are places wrongly called “tourist entertainment” that offer their visitors the possibility of interacting with sea turtles, allowing them to lift them up to take pictures with them. That, plus the overcrowding in which they live in small tanks, causes them enormous stress, which also results in physical damage. Turtles need freedom to swim long distances, something that is impossible in captivity.

10. Sea turtles need protection

Sea turtles are much more than an emblem of the seas; they are sentient beings that deserve our respect and protection.

What can we do to help them? A lot!

By consuming less seafood or promoting sustainable fishing methods, you contribute to reducing industrial fishing; this means that there are fewer industrial farms that pollute and sicken the oceans and the species that inhabit them. On the other hand, we must reject all tourist activity that involves any type of animal exploitation or abuse.

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