If you think dental veneers are just a trend, think again. The global dental veneers market was valued at $2.36 billion in 2023. According to Future Market Insights, it is expected to grow at an annual rate of 6.9%, reaching $5.3 billion by 2032.
Cosmetic dentists in major cities are also noticing an increasing demand for veneers. Dr. Elena Johnston, a cosmetic and general dentist in Chelsea, Manhattan, has observed this trend over the past two years. "People are paying more attention to their appearance, especially for job interviews at major firms. The results we've seen from our patients with veneers have been astounding. Changing their smiles was definitely a good idea," she says.
Popularity and Concerns About Porcelain Veneers
Dr. Johnston notes that the most requested procedure in her office is porcelain dental veneers. Even those who haven't undergone the procedure often have many questions about it. A common concern among patients is the potential damage to existing teeth. Dr. Johnston assures that her method involves 'minimal prep' or 'no-prep' techniques.
Understanding No-Prep and Minimal-Prep Veneers
Dr. Johnston explains that no-prep veneers, also known as prepless or minimal-prep veneers, are a type of cosmetic dental treatment that uses extremely thin porcelain laminates. Unlike traditional veneers, this technique does not require significant tooth reduction. In many cases, no tooth structure is removed, or only a very thin layer of enamel is selectively removed to create space for the veneers. This minimally invasive approach helps preserve the natural tooth structure while enhancing the teeth's appearance.