The day when man reaches a new level in human evolution

in #waivio3 years ago

Reflecting on the things that have happened these days, I have realized that despite the great scientific and technological advances that we have achieved, having even eradicated many diseases that were previously lethal to our existence, after having reached milestones such as the exploration of our solar system, trips to the moon and remote expeditions to mars and other moons of our solar system, we are still dragging an old evil that has afflicted us since time immemorial and that has caused great havoc and plagued our existence with pain and misery.

For that evil we have not been interested in creating a vaccine or carrying out a root removal, that evil that afflicts us has not allowed us to enter the next level of evolution of our being as a thinking society and that, my friends, is the evil of war of the desire for domination, the plague of governments that want to separate a humanity that is one, mentally manipulate the masses to lead us like sheep to the slaughterhouse just to quench their uncontrollable thirst for domination and control over the natural and economic resources of nations weak and unable to resist an armed invasion, in order to feed the ruthless lifestyle of the political and business elites that dominate the world, a ruling elite that does not care about the pain of the families that suffer the death and desolation left by wars.

Tomorrow I will continue with my reflection, it is my personal point of view, I hope you can understand me.

If my words have been to your liking, please do not hesitate to support me with a like, for me it will be of great help because I do not have a job and I live from the little I earn working on the internet. I live in Venezuela with my wife and I am father of a newborn child, if you wish to make a donation you can do so through the hive account @luisx22

