

  1. What two accounts? If I went with my friend, and my friend has an account with their own phone, how is that farming? Are you suggesting that only one person who uses Waivio can go to a restaurant at a time?! I didn't see such requirements.
  2. I met the requirements of submitting two photos and a short description. There was no requirement to write a 500-word essay.
  3. If you have concerns about the order you can go to the restaurant and ask the team, they remembered us and there are receipts. We have been there at around 3pm. Mar 13.

Yo, if you don't know - this is waivio. If you go to a restaurant with rewards and take two pictures and write a short description - you get rewards. I went to this Indian restaurant with my friend, I had my own dish and I am a different person from @cityguide. The fact that we went there together doesn't violate any requirements so what is the problem?

Also, as a person from a science background - I like things to be concise and there was no minimum word requirement in the review, nor guidelines of how I should leave the review. This is usually how I leave reviews for restaurants in trip advisor unless it is super good or super bad.

I can tell that there was nothing too special about this restaurant. It's a regular Indian restaurant - nothing special or spectacular - it is ok - good for lunch. @nathen007

This is platform on waivio. You are supposed to leave short reviews to get rewards. I thought you are a guide on the platform for a moment. But apparently, you aren't.@nathen007

You can also choose a restaurant from and go there with your buddy. If you both write a review on Hive platform, you will both get rewards and you also may get upset when someone calls you a rewards farmer. You are welcome:)