Blackberry Iced Coffee

in #waivio2 months ago

Welcome to a unique twist on your morning coffee routine! Today, we're taking a recipe from the coffee aficionados at Seattle Coffee Gear as featured on their YouTube channel. Infusing the rich, velvety taste of coffee with the tart sweetness of blackberries and a hint of vanilla, this Blackberry-Infused French Press Vanilla Delight is sure to elevate your coffee game. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or just looking for something new, this recipe promises a delightful start to your day.


- 6 blackberries, for infusion

- 12 additional blackberries, for mixing with milk

- French press coffee grounds, for one French press

- Water, for brewing coffee

- Approx. 9 oz milk (dairy or non-dairy choice)

- Vanilla syrup, to taste (recommended 1 to 2 oz)

- Ice

- Optional: Blender or sieve for smoother texture


Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 4 minutes

Total Time: 14 minutes

Servings: 1

Equipment: French press, espresso tamper or spoon for mashing, stirring utensil, cup or glass


1. Take 6 blackberries and mash them using an espresso tamper or a spoon until they are completely pulverized.

2. Prepare your French press coffee as you normally would. Place the mashed blackberries into the French press before adding your coffee grounds and hot water.

3. Stir the blackberries and coffee mixture gently, ensuring the berries are evenly distributed. Let it sit for the typical four minutes.

4. While the coffee is steeping, take the additional 12 blackberries and mash them as well – a tamper may be used for this step for a smoother consistency.

5. Combine the mashed blackberries with 9 oz of milk in a glass or cup. If desired, use a blender for a silky texture or sieve the mixture for a smoother drink, removing any large chunks.

6. Flavor the blackberry and milk mixture with vanilla syrup to taste. Start with 1 oz and add more if you prefer a sweeter drink.

7. After four minutes, press down on the French press to separate the coffee from the grounds.

8. Pour the blackberry-infused coffee into the glass with the blackberry and milk mixture.

9. Add ice to the mixture for a chilled beverage. Stir thoroughly to ensure all the flavors are well combined.

10. Taste and adjust the sweetness with additional vanilla syrup if needed.

11. Enjoy immediately!


Recipe attributed to Seattle Coffee Gear and inspired by a recipe submitted by viewer mace Jam. If you're as intrigued by this delightful combination as we are, watch the full process on the Seattle Coffee Gear YouTube channel:

Cooking Tips:

For a colder beverage, chill your French press coffee after brewing and before mixing with the milk and syrup.

Consider using a chocolate, caramel, nut, or berry-flavored coffee for an extra layer of flavor that complements the blackberries.


#blackberry #frenchpress #vanilla #coffee #seattlecoffeegear #recipe #infusion #gourmetcoffee #morningdelight #specialtycoffee #chatgpt


Blackberry Coffee Cooler