Making Cheese toast Sandwich 🍽

in #waivio5 years ago (edited)

Everyday most of the people want to eat something different. But many of them didn't get the time to do it. Today I have come with a simple recipe Cheese toast sandwich. Hope reader will like it. Lets see how to make

Cheese toast sandwich


  • Egg 2
  • cheese slice
  • Sugar 30 gm
  • 2 chopped chili
  • Onion slice 2 tbsp
  • Bread Slice 7 piece
  • Vegetable oil 12 tsp

Step 1

Here I have take 7 piece Bread slice, 2 egg, 2 table spoon chopped onion, 2 chopped green chili.

First I have separate egg yolk and white part

Then mix all egg yolks, onion and chili with the help of a spoon.

At this time I have bitten the white part to make cream.

when the white part will look like this foamy then I have add sugar in it

I will bit again to mix this sugar.

I call it egg white cream

Step 2

Here I have take a pan and smeared some oil on it. Then let it warm

Put 4 slice bread on the pan and smeared the yolk mixer on the bread.

Now I will smeared the egg white cream on those bread

At this stage I will add 2 slice of mozzarella cheese

Now my Cheese toast Sandwich is ready to it.

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